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Felix yawned, as he looked out the window of his plane seat, to see ocean stretching far out in his view.

The only thing going through his head, after a full twenty four hours, were his fathers words the day before.

"You know who, and what, we're after. Bring them down. Make them pay. You'll go to Seoul until this is completed."

Felix had been escorted to the Sydney Airport with almost all his belongings in one carry on bag and two checked ones, and almost a full booklet about his new life he'll be taking in Seoul while on this job.

The whole plane ride was exhausting. Ten hours of planning. Ten hours of thinking. Ten hours wondering. (lowkey I had it as a three hour plane ride. uhm, no- they're pretty far apart lmao)

When the plane landed, Felix was thankful he knew both Korean and English. He was able to speak the language, blending in as a native besides for when they checked his passport.

When he cleared the jungle that was the Seoul Airport, he waited outside for a family vehicle to pick him up, playing on his phone as he waited.

He watched families's come and go, school groups come and go, business people come and go. He watched elderly people going on retirement trips, flight attendents bustle through to get to work, honeymoon couples hustling around in numbers and numbers.

It seemed like hours of watching happy travelers entering and exiting the airport before the shiny black Malibu came up to him.

He huffed when the doors unlocked, and someone came out to load his bags into the trunk as Felix got into the backseat of the vehicle.

"That took long enough Daeshim shii." Felix huffed out as he buckled himself in.

The person named Daeshim apologized quickly as the other person got in the passenger seat.

"Long time no see Chris." Felix spoke as he stretched his arms a bit. The person named Chris turned around in the seat to look at Felix.

"I think I prefer my Korean name. Chan." They spoke, and Felix chuckled.

"You do you Bang. I'll never use my Korean name." Felix gagged and Chan laughed.

"Lee Yongbok?" He joked, and Felix groaned.

"Christopher, nooooo!"

This made Christopher laugh loudly, and Daeshim began driving to the address he was assigned to go to.

Felix was still playfully annoyed at Christopher, the older up to his old tricks and jokes like old times.

Seven or eight years previous, Felix can't remember exactly, Christopher had a location reassignment from Felix's father to South Korea. It wasn't more Christopher moving as it was his family.

Felix has been devastated with his friends move, but had been forced to live with it.

Now the two were back together for Felix's assignment. The best pair from the training program back together again.

Felix laid his head on the window, looking out the window as the car drove to his new residence for history in Korea.

It would be an apartment just off the universities property, proper access to the school and far enough off so security couldn't catch him.

The Aussie took a pocket knife out and began switching the blade in and out of its little self- compartment, mainly out of boredom. Chan showed the driver where they were going as he drove.

About, oh, and hour later thanks to city traffic, they arrived at their destination. Chan hopped out of the vehicle first, going and helping open the trunk while Felix hopped out of the vehicle second.

Daeshim had wanted to help, but both Chan and Felix told him it was fine.

The two young males each had a suitcase, with Felix carrying his carry on bag. The two bowed to Daeshim in thanks before going to the apartment complex.

Thank god there was an elevator, or Felix would have blown his top after carrying them up the three flights of stairs.

When they made it to the door of the right apartment, they heard a voice to their right, and both males looked over to the voice.

He had a squirrel like face, with a wide smile and chubby cheeks, with a rather slim figure and baggy clothes.

"Ah! Hi! You must be my new neighbor, right? Well, I'm Han Jisung!"

Felix's mind went on autopilot for half a second.

Han Jisung.


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