New Bells PD K9 comes with unique background story

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BELLS, Texas -- Until a few weeks ago, the Bells Police Department was made up of seven officers, but now there's an eighth, furry officer.

Gypse, the first Bells PD K9, comes with a unique and touching background story.

Many police dogs come from overseas and cost tens of thousands of dollars -- not Gypse.

The young and anxious pup is only about 11 months old, but her life could have been much shorter if it wasn't for San Antonio-based organization UniversalK9 Inc.

"Everybody loves her. We're excited to have her," Bells PD Chief Scott Barrett said.

Gypse was rescued from a Louisiana pound by UniversalK9 to be trained and transformed into a police dog. Officer Scott Kilmer, her handler, said she was only a day away from being euthanized.

Gypse was trained for several months by the staff of UniversalK9, during which Bells PD applied for a grant through the organization to receive the dog.

"I spent the final two weeks of her training with her, learning her movements, her gestures, her alerts," Kilmer said.

Thanks to the grant, Bells PD did not have to pay roughly $14,000 to receive Gypse. The department only paid for the cost of Kilmer to attend those last two weeks of training in San Antonio.

But Barrett said Gypse will still greatly repay the town of Bells by sniffing out drugs, which is a big problem in the area.

"When she comes out she's ready to go, she's ready to work," Kilmer said.

Gypse currently holds a national certification for sniffing out drugs, but Kilmer said he plans to train her to do more, like tracking and patrol, in the future.

Gypse will regularly accompany Kilmer on patrol. She will also come to the aid of other officers if necessary and perform drug sniff-outs at the school in Bells.

The department is accepting donations to help finance Gypse. Those interested in helping are asked to stop by the police department on S. Broadway Street.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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