Adoption Day!

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Steve, Tony, Clint, and Sam all returned to the tower that night grumbling and groaning. They were annoyed that Spiderman had once again gotten away. Tony plopped down on the couch, sighing and rubbing the bridge of his knows. Steve sat down next to him, clearly able to see that Tony was stressed. He wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close.

"Hey, don't be all upset. Remember what tomorrow is? Adoption day!"

A smile spread over Tony's face and he sat up a bit straighter.

"I'm so excited! Finally a family! I just hope I'm a good father."

"You will be a great father."

"Thanks, Steve."


Peter ran back from school, realizing how late he was. They had a family coming by today, and they wanted to see all the kids. He dodged through traffic, only restraining his powers a little bit. He came to a sudden halt when a fancy car nearly ran him over him, slamming on the breaks at the last moment. Peter just waved and continued running, hoping he could get there before the head of the orphanage noticed he was late.

Tony Stark-Rogers was practically bouncing in his seat as his husband drove the car to the orphanage. They were finally adopting a child. He was jolted back into reality when a kid ran right in front of their car. Steve hit the breaks in time, and the kid just waved and ran off again, but Tony couldn't shake the feeling that he would see him again.

Peter burst through the doors of the orphanage and rushed up to his room. He dropped his backpack full of schoolbooks on his bed and rushed around trying to make himself look decent. He knew it was probably pointless since no one would want a 15-year-old when they could have a much younger kid. He fixed up the room that the other boys had left a mess, knowing if it was found a mess he would be blamed. He shuffled downstairs and to the main area, where all the kids were scattered around the room doing different activities. Peter went back upstairs quickly and grabbed the new book he got from Ned that he had been reading. It was by Bruce Banner, about some of his scientific theories. He sat down in the corner, avoiding the other kids. He heard the head announce the arrival of the people looking to adopt and tell the couple to go look around and talk to some of the kids, but Peter didn't bother to look up. He was completely absorbed in his reading when he heard a man's voice.

"Hey kid, what's your name?"

Peter looked up, making eye contact with the man. He didn't bother setting down the book as he knew the interaction wouldn't last long. People always lost interest in him quickly.

"Peter sir."

"No one to call either of us sir Peter."

Another voice spoke, and Peter looked over at who it was. Finally, it clicked in his brain that these people were none other than Tony and Steve Stark-Rogers.

"What are you reading Peter?"

"A book I got for my birthday. It's a bunch of science theories by Bruce Banner, I like reading them and adding to them."

"Really? You can understand those? How old are you kid?"

Peter finally set the book down, surprised that the couple hadn't moved on yet.

"I turned 15 not long ago. And yes, I can understand them. I like science a lot, but all the stuff I do in school is too easy for me."

Steve recognized the glint in his husband's eyes. The glint that meant he had already decided what kid they wanted. He couldn't lie, he really liked Peter too. He was smart and polite and had the cutest puppy eyes. His little brown curls looked perfect, and he was like a puppy. They talked with Peter more, and the kid seemed to loosen up around them. Then a sharp voice yelled.

"Peter! What are you doing distracting our guests for the real adoptable kids! No one will ever want to adopt you, stop stealing attention from the good kids! I am so sorry Mr. and Mr. Stark-Rogers. Peter is quite the little attention seeker, always trying to wiggle his way into food that he doesn't deserve and getting into trouble."

Both men were fuming at this point, and Peter was just sitting in silence, trying not to break down crying. He rubbed his wrists, his hands running over the cold metal of his web-shooters. He nearly yelped when Tony stood up and began to yell back.

"How dare you treat a kid like that! Peter is an amazing kid! We will be adopting him, then you will be fired!"

Peter looked at the furious man in surprise. They really wanted to adopt him? Why? He wasn't anything amazing? Wait, what if they knew he was Spiderman?! What if this was a way to get him to go with them?! No, there was no way. His identity was a complete secret. Maybe they just liked him for him?

"Wait, you want to adopt me? Why?"

Steve smiled sadly at the kid. It was clear he had been through a lot, and didn't believe he deserved to be loved.

"Because we like you kid. You are smart and polite and sassy and would fit into our family perfectly. We would love to adopt you if you would like that.

A small smile spread on Peter's face. He was really getting adopted!

"I would love that!"

"Then it's settled. We will sign the papers and you can go pack."

Tony and Steve left to go sign papers and Peter ran up to his room. He grabbed his few possessions and stuffed them into a bag, his suit at the very bottom. He also grabbed his backpack. He went back downstairs, receiving a mix of congratulations and glares, based on jealousy levels. He flew to the room where a grumpy head of the orphanage sat, being chewed out by Tony while he and Steve filled out paperwork. Peter knocked and carefully came in, setting down his bags.

"There's probably stuff I need to sign, right?"

"Yep, just come here and sign a few of these, then we can get moving back to the tower. Your room isn't fully decorated, so we can work on picking stuff out tomorrow."

"You don't have to do that, I don't mind it not being decorated."

Peter signed the forms and left with his new family and a promise from Tony that the orphanage head was already being convicted for child abuse. 

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