Until We Meet Again, Goku!

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The fool was gone for years and now he's leaving again. Truly remarkable, that the idiot can just disappear and reappear as if he never left. And everyone supports that because he's a hero, he trains, therefore he gets stronger. Sure, that's a benefit but, he's missing all these years with his family and friends, even his own damn wife gave up on trying to make him stay.

That hatred I had towards him has faded, almost nothing left. He grew on me, became my friend and sparring partner, although I'm too proud to ever admit is on his face.

After the Cell Games, he died for 7 years, being resurrected with no option or else the planet would perish by the hands of Babidi and Majin Buu, and probably me. He came back with power that was enough to destroy the monster but failed miserably due to his power usage limitation, since he was dead. My sacrifice was in vain, it did nothing to the pink blob that was even more stupid than Kakarot, believe it or not.

After we fused into Vegito, our bodies, as well as minds, joined together, creating the supreme warrior that was destined to defeat the upgraded and stronger Buu. But of course, my arrogance and ego decided to shine and we almost got absorbed. It eventually turned towards our victory.

Then, he disappeared for another nine years to train that recreation of the evil Buu and came back as a goddamn kid. Or at least with a kid's body. The buffoon's mind-set never went into adult state. He traveled in space for another year and came back with the black-star dragonballs.

Then the original Earth dragonballs were cracked and that created a new enemy... enemies. Me and Kakarot defeated them and fused to defeat the last, what you would call boss, Omega Shenron. Causing the third class to sacrifice his own live again., to gain the power of the dragon as an exchange to destroy the foe.

Then he left.


Leaving us all alone for another eternity.

He might never come back for all we know. Or come back after all of us are dead. He won't feel the passing time like us... mortals. He's a guardian now. He guards and defends the universe from any that dares to destroy the balance in the universe. I'm happy to admit that I don't fear of his defeat. He's the strongest. And always will be. My superior, superior of the prince himself, who gained strength, one that is not comprehensible. Although born as a third class with a power level of two, one of the weakest noted in saiyan history.

"Vegeta?" A feminine voice sounded. Annoying woman. All I could hear is pity in her voice. I hate pity.

"What do you want, Bulma?" I asked, with more venom than I intended. Damn it. Is it showing that much that I miss the big idiot? Well, not big, he's in a kid's body, a least he was last time I saw him.

"Get over it already." She signed deeply, she approached from behind to my side, the smell of cigarettes thick in the air. "Goku will come back. He always does. Even if it takes years." She spat the last sentence.

"I know. But there is no telling if he'll come back when you and his earthling friends will be still alive," I made it to look at her. "saiyans have longer lifespans than humans." I finished. Smile crept on my face, seeing the idiot reunion with his friends and family in the other world. He'll probably forget me. It's not like I was a good friend in the first place. But he was a good friend. Best you could ask for.

"Wow, you seem so sad about all of us dying." She said sarcastically, frowning and taking another deep breath of the cigarette. She must have noticed my smile.

"It's not that." Reassurance doesn't nothing to change her expression. Well, kind of to do with dying but that's not the context."

"Well, when do you think he will come back then, do you think you'll be alive?" Bulma changes the topic, not entirely but there is doubt in her voice.

"I don't know. But maybe." The smile disappears from my face, doubt washing all over my body, making me shake. A pause follows for few seconds and we stand in uncomfortable silence. "Just maybe..."

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