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When I'm on a vacation I met this girl named Lucy.She's innocent yet naughty , bipolar and lot's of energy. We sleep and eat together. I adopted her, I treasure those memories when I'm with her. She's so cranky yet funny, warfreak but only for justice. When I first met her I never thought I would like her because the looks of her eyes is so annoying nor irrittating . But when I get know her better I totally love everything about her.  

We have this first impression "Evilbadgirl"  but as far as I remembered we only just laughed at it. I treated her like my very own sister. We have a guts to tell our untold secrets whom we keep to anyone.They called us "Crazysisters" because we have the same clothes, bags, shoes, jewelries, gadgets! even hairstyles! Imagine??! as if we care what they're gonna tell us, we just enjoying our lives . 

 We promised that we will never leave eachother . They said 'promises are meant to be broken'.  At,  first I never believed in those sayings but then I realized it's true.

I never wanted to leave her and I never will but I guess it's already my time. I came closer to her and wanted to wipe away her tears but how?! I can't even touch her!. She's watching my body lying on the coffin while she's holding a frame , It was the two of us making a wacky face.

I heard her saying "why did you left me?!" and her voice cracked and she's becoming wild and some visitors trying to calm her and they did , if only im still alive I can comfort her . I wanted to hug her so tight! if only I can do it I already did. :/

"Im sorry if I left you Lucy , but im always here watching and guiding you. This is my time Lucy , this is the end of my story . This is the way it is . I don't want to leave you honestly , because I will miss you and I know you would miss me too." 

And I saw a light from up above . I know he's calling me . I looked at you one last time and examined your face your still crying and you can't even hardly breath and it breaks my heart Lucy, please stop crying. You probably hating and regreting nor accusing yourself why did I die. 

"It's not your fault lucy"

And I touched my chest , there's no pain anymore! and I smiled, how many years I've been suffering from heart failure and it actually ends here. 

Then I slowly felt im floating .

"I guess this is already goodbye sister and our promised? will never be broken.I love you goodbye."


And before I even knew it .

I saw a light !

A magical one.

And I heard  footsteps at my back so i turned and Im surprised I can't see him because of the light covering her face. I can't stand the light that just seems to be so magestic and so pure. That's why I cupped my face with my hands and closed my eyes .

And I heard him saying.

"Princess, your time has not yet ended , it's time for your ressurection".

What does he mean?

I saw a redlight and it seems to be a blood and I feel that im a newly born baby.

I can't help myself from crying because I can't see and I have this tiny voice and a little bit cracky.

"Congrat's Lucy ! it's a girl! " A heard a woman's voice and I bet it's a nurse.

"I named her LUCKY." A woman's voice replied and I know her voice! it's my sister!.

From Princess became Lucky , and from a sister became my mother . 

I felt so much pain in my head and I felt my past emories are erasing.

So this is my new beggining.

I thought my life is just an ordinary story .

Bu according to my experienced it's definitely a different story,

       -   END  -

Definitely A Different Story *One Shot*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora