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times of day

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2am: netflix, black coffee, sleepless nights, irritable, sarcastic, has/wants a cat, will attack you if pushed

5am: morning person, long work days, in a perpetual dream like state, judges others on the street, bottles up emotions

10am: waffles with chicken, brunch brunch brunch, happy go lucky, fruity scent, athletic, organized, mom friend

1pm: child of the group, short, not the smartest, knows random facts, converse shoes, dancing in sun showers, hides sadness with a big smile

5pm: loves food, knows how to drive, clairvoyant, responsible but carefree, iced coffee, long evening drives, mom jeans

7pm: movie watcher, loves sweets, always tired, moody, laughs too much, had a million pets as a kid

11pm: midnight dances, stargazing, cuddling with a loved one, absent-minded/always daydreaming, loves chocolate more than anything, sweaters

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