The screen statics in and out but Claire's face appears.

"Claire!" I call out, trying to get her attention.

She looks away from what she's doing and sees me. "Leon? You're down here too?!"

"Yeah. The whole place is coming down. We need to get out fast!"

"Yeah. There's a way out. We all can make it. Where are you now? Is Airam with you?" Claire asks as the signal starts breaking up.

"Claire? You still there?" I ask.

"Leon? Hey Leon, you're breaking up..." Her face keeps breaking in and out.

"Claire?! Just hurry and get out! Don't worry about us!" I tell her, hoping she hears me. The signal dies completely. "Damn it!"

I turn towards Airam when she starts coughing. I kneel down beside her. "Hang in there sweetheart."

She looks at me and opens the hand she was coughing into. There sitting in the palm of her hand, is a bullet. I watch confused as she lifts up her shirt, the wound completely gone.

I reach out and feel the skin, only a pink spot in its place. "What?..."

She grabs my hand, making me look at her. She smiles a little. "I'm okay."

I just nod and smile. "Yeah. Come on." I help her to her feet and hold her hand as we run.

***Short Time Skip***

I lead us through the door after we escape the tyrant a second time. I instantly spot a large lift that will get us out of here. "Almost there!" I stop by the table and pick up the joint plug, knowing we'll need this.

I put the joint plug in and look at Airam before pulling the lever. The red light turns green before an explosion above happens. We slowly start moving and Airam holds onto me, whimpering as everything shakes and things fall.

I hold her close, looking around. "What the hell...?!" A pillar falls over and something breaks through a wall. "Oh shit.." I curse when I see the tyrant is back, but half on fire and a large claw.

We stumble as a pillar falls behind us and something knocks the tyrant down to us, chunks of rock everywhere. "Airam, stay back!"

I quickly move away from her, drawing it's attention to me. "Alright, come on!"

I keep its attention on me, while I shoot and dodge it's angry swipes. I keep my aim on the heart outside it's chest. I dodge more falling rocks, glancing at Airam as she ducks beside the controls, away from everything.

'Good girl.' I get my attention back on the tyrant as he lunges at me. I barely dodge the flaming claws. I make sure everytime I dodge, it's far from Airam.

It roars, crouching down like it's preparing an big attack. "Uh-oh.. Not good!" I pull out the lightning hawk and fire at the heart twice, causing it to stumble back.

It swipes at me again, knocking me back into a piece of rock, gun sliding away. I cough and gasp as the impact knocks the air out of my lungs. The tyrant roars again and drags his claws along the ground, coming towards me before I can get up. "Shit..." I close my eyes, waiting for the pain.

"Leon!!" I hear Airam yell before hearing the tyrant roar out in pain.

I open my eyes to see Airam standing in front of me and the tyrant on its back away from us. It gets back up, shaking it's head like it can't believe what happened.

In This Together (RE2:Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now