Creed Rastafari

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We believe in one God, the Father of all things, Creator of Zion 

and Earth and all things visible and invisible.

We believe that “Tafari” was born on the 16th Hamle in the 

year of St. John, 1885 (23rd July, 1892) of our beloved 

Wayzaro Yashimabet for our salvation.  In this way after being 

conceived in the womb of our beloved Wayzaro Yashimabet, 

God the Son became incarnated taking our nature,  He “Tafari”

put on mortal flesh and made immortal.

His human birth was a unique event whereby God the Son came 

down through the will of His father and was made man.  His 

humanity was not inferior because he had a father to be born of 

His seed.  This is the incarnation fulfilling Rev. 5 v5 whereby 

God the Son entered the Historical Realm in order to save it 

for mankind.

In the incarnation God the Son; “Tafari”, united himself to His 

manhood; “Rastafari”, made it one with His Godhead; Haile 

Selassie I, without mixture or confusion, without division or 

alteration, therefore his Godhead was not separated from His 

Manhood not for an hour or the twinkle of an eye.

God the Son came to us without being separated from His 

Godhead Haile Selassie I.  After being born he grew like an 

infant until he matured, at twelve (12) years old “Tafari” was in 

the courts of Menelik II discussing with the Rasses and 

Dejazmach as Joshua the Christ did at the age of twelve.

St. Luke 2 v42-46.

Solomon, builder of the Temple, was the first High Priest of 

Israel.  This means that the Royal Priesthood of all Israel and 

Arronic Institutional Priesthood have become one in

“King Solomon”.

Haile Selassie I, root and offspring of King Solomon, as a part 

of the body of King David as fulfilled in Rev. 5 v5.  Making 

Haile Selassie I the Eternal High Priest who’s coming 

Rastafarians and all people looked for.  Haile Selassie I who 

descended from Judah, from the Root of Jesse, 225th rebirth of 

Solomon, whose government is upon His shoulder, to Him be 

Glory, Thanksgiving, Greatness, Blessing, Praises, song both 

now and ever and world without end.  

Amen. Amen. Amen.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 16, 2010 ⏰

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