I roll my eyes jokingly. "That's Thor for ya."

Our conversation was interrupted by Pops' loud army voice.

"Alright everyone! Time to head down to the auditorium."

I looked at Harley, bewildered, and saw him staring right back at me.

"We have an auditorium?!" We both asked at the same time.

"Yep," Sam butted in between us as we started walking. "You two better get your acting skills together." He walked off.

I glanced at Harley, my heart dropping. "We're acting?"

He looked at me ecstatically. "Awesome, right?!"

"Yeah," I lied, faking a smile, "really great."

I'm already getting pretty good at this.

We entered the auditorium and Pops told us to sit in the front two rows.

A random man bolted through the curtains and scared the shit out of all of us. I jumped and Clint screamed, "Holy fuck!"


"Bonjour!" The man started talking with a strong French accent. "My name is Louie von Jacques Gordeau. Welcome to A.S.S.H.A.T., or, Avengers Super Secret House of Acting Training."

I looked at Harley with a judgmental face and he looked like he was trying to contain his laughter.

"Superheroes need acting training just as much as anything else because, in order to be a good liar, you have to know how to act. And you have to know how to lie to save your life."

He leaned over and whispered, "Maybe this will be good. I mean, he is French. He probably knows what he's talking about."

"I am the best in the business, for your information," he nodded to Harley, whose face flashed red, "and I am here to teach you the art of improvisation."

"First," he announced, "I need a volunteer."

Everybody went quiet, looking at each other desperately. I sunk deep into my seat to avoid being seen.

"How about..." Louie looked around for his victim, "you!" He pointed to me and I groaned loudly.

"Nay, you brave volunteer, you will be great for this job."

"I didn't volunteer," I whispered under my breath as I walked onstage.

"Yes, Mr. Parker, and that's what makes you the greatest person for this role."

I stare at him, shocked.

Does he hear everything?

(A/N so... sorry *not sorry* to interrupt, but we saw Spider-Man: Far From Home last night and it was just... wow. damn. it wasn't what either of us were expecting but it was still amazing of course. if you haven't seen it, you definitely should. it's much worth it. no spoilers from us but, just to let you know, the trailers show almost nothing about the actual movie. it's very different. it's a rollercoaster. Tom did so great though, and Jake Gyllenhaal did an incredible job as Mysterio. there's actually a reference from FFH in here, if you can spot it haha. anyway, on with the chapter.)

"Repeat after me," Louie said. I nodded.

*A/N this is a theatre speech exercise that I (Reese) learned, it is about a prisoner being executed, but don't look too far into it ;)*

"To sit in solemn silence on a dull dark dock in a pestilential prison with a life long lock, awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock from a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block." He said really fast.

Always ~ Parley/Parknerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें