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          I familiarized myself with the ship and crew as I helped in any way I could. The old ursid cyborg that bumped into me earlier was the cook, and was quite surprised that I wasn't a 'lad' as he had called me earlier, but a 'lass'. His name was John Silver; a boisterous, flirty kind of man with a gruff exterior and a gap in his smile. 

          It took a while, but the cargo was mostly on board before Mr. Arrow, a rock like creature that followed the felinid woman around, explained that the captain was indeed her. Captain Amelia Smollot, and her first mate, Mr. Arrow, ran a tight ship with harsh words and clear cut orders. Luckily, with that kind of leadership, there was no confusion as to what people were doing.

          Captain Smollot, once she had learned of my background, ordered me to be in the kitchen with Silver, to which he argued with her over and was quickly put in his place. It was quite amusing, to be sure, but it was also somewhat disheartening. No one wants to be treated as if they were a problem to be solved.

          "So... Lass, can ye' cook at all?" He asked, his cybernetic eye staring down at me.

          I nodded, looking around the shabby galley. "With some direction, I can. I'm a better dish washer, I reckon." Pots and pans were stacked on the counters, waiting to be put to use or put into the crooked cabinets. Hooks hung all manner of tools and food. I recognized a bunch of bananas tucked away in the corner of the ceiling. 

          "A dish washer, mm?" He said, scratching his head and scanning the room. "Well, there's plenty of dishes, so ye' won't have trouble with that." He chuckled, motioning to the full crate of plates he had just opened. He nudged me with his fleshy elbow after a moment of thought. "Hey, since ye' been helping out all morning, how 'bout ye' take a short break? Get some fresh air, it'll be the last ye' have fer a while."

          I stared up at him, unsure. After all, I had been working on deck the whole time, getting plenty of 'fresh air' as he put it. "Um...?"

          He pushed me out of the kitchen, a great big smile on his face. "Go on! I'll cover for ye' if the cap'n asks."

          "Okay...?" I said, tripping up the stairs. Luckily, Silver was there to keep me from falling before he shoved me toward the deck. I guess he just wants to be alone for a bit.

          I took a breath, tasting the air of the space port. Sweat and oil mixed on the ship, and perfumes tried to drown out the harsher smells of metal. The whole place was bustling as the crew got the rest of the cargo settled. Cranes and pulleys brought boxes and barrels onto the ship. Mr. Arrow was directing as best he could.

          "Heave together now!" He called to a few of the crew.

          It was almost like magic, seeing how everything and everyone worked in tandem with one another. I nearly missed the human boy that had just come aboard, seeming almost as fascinated as I was. I couldn't blame him really, as it was truly a sight to behold.

          Unfortunately he bumped into one of the crew. A pale slug like creature that only spoke in various forms of toots; Mr. Snuff, if memory served. I felt bad for the guy as he got reprimanded in a language that he obviously couldn't understand. Thankfully I didn't need to go over there, as it seemed that someone he knew could speak flatula. An older man of the canid species, in a ridiculous looking metal suit, quickly diffused the situation before setting off on their separate ways.

          I watched as they came over to Mr. Arrow and I, the canid's suit clinking and clanking the whole way. The man raised his voice just above the sounds of the crew. I couldn't stop my snickering at the funny dog-man. I muffled my giggles behind my hand and took root against the railing nearby.

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