I have something to tell you i did a very stupid mistake and I'm so dumb and if you wanna kick me out that's ok but I'm pregnant

Mr.S- Camila it's ok I'm just very disappointed I'm not kicking you out

But it's not ok I'm so stupid

Mr.S- Camila it's ok it really is I'm just disappointed

Is it really ok dad I'm 16 and I'm pregnant

Mr.S we can't do anything about it

I guess your right I'll start packing my things

Mr.S- Camila I said I not kicking you out


Mr.S- yes

Thank you dad

Mr.S- ok I have to head to work now bye I love you and my grandchild tell Cole I love him to

Cole- love you too dad bye

I was talking to Lili since I just got back from my appointment it turns out I'm one month and my baby is due late June or early July I was really hoping for a girl I told Charles he supported me and we're actually together

"I can't wait for your baby"

I can't wait for her ether

"What makes you think it's a girl"

Mothers instinct

"Well then I'm proud to be her auntie"

Who said you were her auntie your her godmother

"Aww thank you Camila"

So I have a few names for this bunny

"Oo tell me and bunny is the nickname"

So if it's a girl I have Alyssa,Harper,Juliana,Aubrie,Audrey and for a boy I don't really have one except Cameron  but I still don't really like the name

"I think there cute but Alyssa is adorable"

Yea it's my first pick but the nickname is bunny

"I'm excited"

I am not doing a gender reveal oh no


It's just I feel more comfortable if finding out with you and Charles and Cole and Madelaine then a bunch of people I know I want it to be inner circle and for the baby shower we'll go all out

"Well hey I respect your decision for this little bunny and who's gonna be in the hospital when you give birth"

Charles and you obviously I always wanted my mom to be there but since she can't it maybe just you guys and Madelaine if she doesn't get grossed out I know she has a weak stomach

"Well I'm honored what about middle names"

If it is a girl Alyssa Marie Melton and if it's a boy what ever his name is Lynn Melton

"I like it but seriously I'm going to spoil this baby so much"

Of course you are Lili now I have to go to a bunch of appointments and I can't even eat sushi

"But it will be worth it once you have bunny"

I want bunny's to be a small and chubby my chubby bunny

"Aww I'm going to cry"

Well pregnant women has to sleep I'll see ya later

"Wow Camila I'll be coles room if you need me"

Don't make a baby

(There will be a time skip for 9 months just because I have no ideas)

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