Before he moved on to the next level Peter quickly crawled across the ceiling of the room, double checking to see if he could find Cory. When it turned up nothing, he moved on to the next floor where they repeated the same process, and when that turned up with nothing as well they repeated it again for the bottom floor. "It seems that there is about 6 people on this floor, but I don't think any of them are Cory. Are you sure he went in here, Peter?" Ned asked. Peter sighed, feeling stressed and worried that he had let the bad guy get away again. 

Just as he was about to give up, Peter noticed something. "Hey, do you see that?" he said. "No, what?" Peter moved across the room without being seen and arrived at a really big book case in the corner of the room. Peter looked over to the side of the bookcase and saw a small gap between it and the wall, and the gap had light shining through it. "Is that a secret door? Like in the movies?!" Ned asked excitedly in his ear. Peter smiled under his mask, "I think I've just found where our terrorists have been hiding."

Peter reached his arms out and tugged on the side of the bookcase, successfully pulling it open enough to reveal a small lit staircase descending further into the building. I knew it! Secret bad-guy basement entryway! YES! He felt like high-fiving someone, but the only person he could do that with was sitting in his desk at home. "Okay, I'm going in." He stepped down onto the first step before he turned back and pushed the bookcase back into position with a small handle he noticed had been carved into the wood.

As soon as he entered the stairway all he felt was a sense of eeriness. Slowly and carefully he tiptoed down until he reached what he assumed to be the basement. It wasn't as well lit, but he could see that he was in a very narrow and windy hallway. He followed the hallway as quietly as he could manage and eventually after a sharp turn the hallway opened up to a big room. As soon as he entered the room he stepped back around the corner. Oh, crap.

In the small glance he had had he saw not only Cory, but his Uncle Ralph, around ten other guys and a bunch of plans and weird contraptions, which he could only assume were bombs or weapons. His heart was beating through his chest, and he could tell from the way that Ned was breathing heavily into his ear that he was freaked out too. Peter poked his head out, and when he was sure that he wouldn't be seen he snuck out into the room and crept up behind a large box. He stayed silent and listened to what they were talking about.

"So, do you think the target is appropriate? Will it be devastating enough to scare people?" a voice Peter didn't recognise said. The target? "Yeah," Someone else said, this time Peter knew the voice belonged to Cory. "I've been searching it out, and all the younger kids actually believed that I've been at the school for a long time. None suspected that I only just got there, only the kids in my class know that I'm new, so my cover is working well so far." I thought that I hadn't seen him at school before! Thats why I didnt know where he would hang out! 

...Wait a minute... That person just asked about the target, and Cory responded talking about the school... Does that mean that the sCHOOL IS THE TARGET!!!!! Peter gasped at the revaluation before he could stop himself, but thankfully no one seemed to hear him. He told himself to shut up and to listen to what they were saying again. "Good, good. And what group have you joined?" Another voice said.

"Well, I joined the decathlon team. They have quite a few members, and I think that it will shock everyone enough that one of their school clubs was to unknowingly be in the centre of such a horrible accident. 'Oh, they were right in the middle of practice! So sad' They'll say!" Cory said, laughing like a crazy person at the end. So its going to happen during a decathlon practice! But me, Ned and MJ are in the decathlon team! Ohhh this is so not good....

"Excellent, well done Cory. How long is it until the next practice?" This time Peter could see that the voice was coming from Ralph. "I'm not sure. A couple of days maybe? The weird girl who is the captain there didn't tell me when the next practice was." Peter felt a swell of rage burn inside him when Cory insulted Michelle, and had to fight himself not to jump up and hit him. "Okay, so it'll be soon. You know what to do. This is your attack anyway, so you have to do it, so that you can prove you are capable," His uncle said again. "I'm capable. Don't worry, I won't let you down."

~Peter and Michelle~Where stories live. Discover now