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Dusk's POV

"Hey." I said hugging Ally

Dave, Leon, and Kevin made their way over to us.

"Hey Dusk."

I smiled and hugged my band mates.

I was in a band named Die Hard. I was lead female vocalist and bass guitar. My best friend, Ally, was my backup singer and pianist. Dave was bass. Kevin was drums. Leon was lead male singer and could play whatever instrument he wanted.

"Love the outfit." Ally commented

I was wearing a pair of tight skinny jeans and a red and black top with a red fingerless glove on my left hand, the hand I used to write and all. I wore a pair of black Converse boots with red laces.

She looked like a hard rocker with a loose white that hung off her shoulder, grey skinny jeans and white Converse.

"You look good too."

She smiled.

Attack Attack's Shut Your Mouth was playing and the crowd was dancing.

Ally and I ran out and got the crowd extra hype.

Dave handed me my red, black, and purple bass guitar then went over to the spin table.

I grabbed the mike. "I'm Dusk and we are Die Hard!"

The crowd cheered.

I smirked. "Whose ready for a good time?"

They cheered again.

I faked a frown. "I can't hear you. I said... Whose ready for a good time!"

They cheered louder.

"That's what I'm talking about." I said "So we're going to play some original hits. Hope you like 'em."

I plugged my guitar into an amp and Dave started the night off with Kill Off; a song I wrote when I was seriously pissed off.


"You must be Dusk." the principal said "Here's your schedule, time sheet, and locker arrangements. Thanks for attending Jekinsville High."

I gave him a smile then went on my way. I walked into my homeroom and all eyes were on me. I rolled my eyes and gave my time sheet to my teacher.

He signed it then I walked to the empty window seat.

A guy was staring at me.

"Can I help you?" I looked at him.

His green eyes were staring into my silver ones.

My wolf howled.

I looked at the person hovering over me.

"Freak. That's my seat." a blond said

The class was looking at us.

"And I could care less." I replied in my 'emo' tone

"Move or I'll make you." she said

I gave her a blank look. "You couldn't hurt a fly."

She slammed her books on the desk. "Listen you emo freak why don't you go cut yourself in a corner or something and get out my seat."

I raised a brow. "Your telling me what I should do? Who the hell do you think you are?"

The green eyed boy cleared his throat.

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