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Frightened, Emma sat on the other side of the pool, staring fearfully at the wolf man on the other side of the chlorine water pit. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, but when she opened her eyes, the monster was gone and the pool was rippling as if someone slipped into it.

Emma decided to take a little peek into the pool which she soon regretted because the wolf man instantly sploshed out of the water and soaked Emma in chlorinated water.

"Ahh!" She screamed as the wolf man pounced onto her. It was smiling at her and panting in a dog-like fashion. Only he wasn't drooling or spitting. Since the wolf is in the dog family, and the wolf man was apparently acting like a dog, Emma would have to try something only dogs would listen to.

Orders from a human.

"Off." Emma demanded. The wolf man got off of her a scooted to her right side, wagging his tail happily.

"Sit." Emma said with more authority in her voice. The wolf man sat down on his haunches.

"It looks as if he still remembers you well."

Emma whirled around to see her grandfather standing on the deck. "Considering how long it's been, Dylan has the memory of an elephant." He added.

"What do you mean grandpa?" Emma asked.

"Do you remember seeing wolves playing together? And when you reached out your hand, one of them approached you, licked your hand and let you pet it, when you were ten?" He asked his granddaughter.

"Yeah, why?"

"Dylan is that one wolf who responded. He missed you, you know."

Emma was startled to find Dylan licking her hand and cuddling her like a toy. Normally she wouldn't like it, but she laughed anyway and strangely felt accepted.

Even if her acceptor was part wolf.

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