"Hey, Percy, look at me. I'm not going anywhere," Ana said firmly, taking a keychain out of her pocket. "See? It's the good luck charm you made me. It's my promise to you that I'll always come back, no matter how hard things get, so don't worry about a thing. I love you, Perce."

"... I guess I kinda like you too," Percy teased.

Ana chuckled a bit, playfully punching his arm. "At the very least, I should be staying for dinner. I just need to talk to Alex."

The boy nodded, letting his sister go to look for the pair.

When she finally caught up, she found Annabeth and Alex going back and forth at the Amphitheater, trading knife and sword combo blows with neither giving an inch. Ana sighed, watching for a few minutes before stepping in and separating them. "As much fun as it is to watch Love and Wisdom duke it out, I need to talk to Alex."

"Fine, but we're settling this later," Annabeth insisted.

"Agreed," Alex smirked. "We need to make a decision on which Pixar movie is sadder; Up, or Coco?"

"Dude, that's easy; it's Up," Ana scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Oh, come on, why are you on her side?!" Annabeth demanded.

"Simple; she's right," the brunette smirked, steering Alex towards the dining area to snag some drinks.

"So, what'd you wanna talk to me about, Aeli?" Alex beamed, her goblet filling up with pineapple juice.

"Your dad," Ana admitted, wincing as Alex began to choke on her juice. "I know you don't like to talk about him, Lexi, but Batman is looking for Bruce Wayne's daughter as a favor, and the description was too much like you to be a coincidence. From what I've heard, the board forced him to give up on looking because the funds were getting so low."

"... Why didn't he put in this much effort before I left?" Alex questioned. "Why wait until I was gone to show that he cared?"

"... I don't know. But I do know that your Dad loves and misses you more than anything," the brunette said gently, scooting closer to mess with her hair. "I know that he was willing to use a favor from Batman to find you. If that's not dedication, I don't know what is."

"... Fine, I'll give it a chance. Can you aqua-travel me to Gotham? I know it takes a lot out of you, but you can stay the night to get your energy back; Hades set up a monster block because he thought Gotham had enough problems without adding monsters to the mix," Alex pleaded. "Plus, it'd give me a temporary buffer in case things get... heated."

Ana smiled. "Thank you for being easy to convince, Lexi. You wanna finish your juice first?"

The girl shrugged downing the rest before sighing. "Give me a second to grab my stuff and I'll be ready; I'll meet you at the dock by the Poseidon cabin."

"Deal, but one more thing; where's your brother; Wesley?" Ana said quickly.

"Wes? Uh... he's gonna be a lot harder to convince."

"So Dad sent you instead of coming after me himself, huh?" Wesley said bluntly, throwing another dart at his board.

"No, Batman sent me as a favor to your dad," Ana corrected. "He's been searching ever since you and Alex ran away."

"If he'd been so dedicated to begin with, we might not have run away," the raven said bluntly.

"Your sister has agreed to give him another chance," the brunette pointed out. "Don't you trust her judgement?"

"No, actually. Ally is soft-hearted; it comes with the territory of being in cabin 10," he said bluntly, throwing another dart without so much as a glance in the daughter of Poseidon's direction.

A Daughter of the Sea, but Not Half Human(Young Justice and PJO xover)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя