The door to his office burst open and Dick whipped around fully ready to tear into somebody for interrupting him. Although it was uncharacteristic for him it had not become uncommon these past couple of days. At his door his best friend Lewis Nixon stood panting, eyes wide. "We found her. At least where she should be. Its a German warehouse not too far from here. The scouts went out a litter further today and found it. We've already began to round up the Company."

Dick stood abruptly and nodded. He was fully determined to go get his girl back and god help anything or anyone who got in his way. "Assemble me a squad. I want Guarnere, Compton, Talbert, Liebgott, and Speirs from D Company. We'll be making the main assault on the warehouse. Welsh will take a Squad around the back. Lipton one on the east and Martin one on the west." Winters spoke fast as he gathered his gear and Nixon rushed to sort the Company.

As soon as Dick stepped out from the building, trucks of Easy Company men were already leaving. He just needed you to hold a little longer.
You heard the gunshots and explosions. The remaining soldiers in the room with you began to file out grabbing their guns from where ever it was they had left them. The battle outside lasted for another 15 to 20 minutes which was kinda short you noticed. The other side clearly had 1 - more men or 2 - A whole lotta anger.

The large metal door to the room you were in creaked open and you could hear indistinguishable whispers you assumed were orders. Then soldiers began to file into the room led by none other than Mr love of your life himself. "Dick." It was a quiet whisper and he was already walking over to you knife in hand. He cut the ropes from your hands and feet careful to avoid any wounds. Your wrists and ankles were bruised and the skin was raw from the constant rubbing of the ropes.

As soon as you stood, every muscle in your body exploded in pain and you fell. Dick, the gentleman he is, caught you before you hit the ground and elected to carry you back to camp. The truck ride was quiet and although you were tired you could not fall asleep. You tried to let the soft rumbling and the sound of your lovers heartbeat lull you to sleep but all you wanted to do was be with him. You finally got to see him after days and you didn't want to sleep.
When you got back to camp, Dick carried you up the stairs and to his quarters. He had not spoken a single word. It worried you a little however you did not want to push the subject matter so you settled on ignoring it for now. Your father was immediately aware of your return and was already on his way. You knew you would have to beg him to allow you to stay in the airborne but there was no way in hell you were leaving Dick or Easy and he would have drag your cold dead corpse from them if he wanted you gone.

You realized you were stubborn, yes, but these men were your family and even though it took them a little bit of time to warm up to you because you were a woman in combat, you had become close with each other and formed a special bond nobody could break. It was a personal connection made among people who had seen the dark of the world together, who had fought among the horror, and worked to make the world a better place for generations to come and you were not going to allow anyone to take that from you. Besides you were never much of a housewife or nurse.

The bed dipped beside you as Dick sunk into the mattress. He did not hold you like usual and after he had ignored you for hours now, not even a hello or a glance, you had enough. You shot straight up in bed, ignoring the searing pain in your bones that felt like it extended to your very core and fixed a glare on Dick. Usually he would be scared, tell you the truth and apologize. Problem solved. This time he did not even meet your gaze.

"Richard." At the use of his full name, his head snapped and his ocean blue eyes met yours. He had not heard his full name since before the beginning of the war and it came as a surprise since you had never used it before. You studied his features before continuing. His posture, usually perfect, was failing him. You could tell it was due to exhaustion and heavy bags pulled under his eyes. They were ever such a striking blue but they were also very bloodshot. His red hair was far from it's normally perfectly tamed state and was messy as though he had spent days pulling and tugging on it. Running his hands through it in frustration.

"You haven't spoken to me since I've been back and I can't help but wonder if I've done something wrong." His eyes bore into hers and his head tilted ever so slightly. You almost didn't notice. "It's noting you did," His soft voice brought her small amounts of warmth and comfort even in this very uncomfortable bed. "I am your boyfriend. I'm supposed to protect you. I wasn't able to do that. How can you even look at me and not feel angry? Disappointed? How could you want to be with me after what I let happen to you?" For the first time in all of your time together, you watched Dick Winters cry. He wasn't sobbing but he didn't have to be. The devastating look in his baby blue eyes as tears flowed down his soft cheeks was heartbreaking enough. You could barely stomach the sight.

"Richard Winters. I love you. What could you possibly have done that would've changed the outcome? I am 100 percent positive you did everything you absolutely could. When was the last time you ate? Or a had a proper nights rest?" You pulled his face close to yours despite the soreness in your arms and wiped the tears from his face. Holding him close to you, you gently laid the two of you back down onto the bed.

He cried over his sadness for you and what happened to you. You cried too. For the first time in this war you properly just cried. You cried for him. For the soldiers you lost. For the ones you still had. For the pain of your aching muscles. For this fucking war. For the thought that when your father left tomorrow he may not even be your father anymore. For the fear of losing anymore men. You just sat and cried. But you cried together.

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