Author's Note

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Hi guys!  If you watch me on DeviantArt, you know that I am a huge fanatic of Planes and a very, very passionate Dottie x Roper shipper.  Because of it, I decided I am going to be writing one-shots of these two.  

Before we get to the first story, here are some things I need to address:

1. Dottie and Roper will be appearing in their actual (forklift) form in all of these chapters.  I do not do the whole "humanizing" thing for franchises with non-human characters.  Altering the characters in such ways makes the story to where it is "not the same", if you will.  But if you like to humanize the characters in your fanfictions, I respect your preferrence.

2. This is just a series of one-shots, not one big story, so please don't expect certain things about each chapter to tie into other chapters (e.g. Dottie and Roper may be married and living together in one chapter, but may just be dating in another).

3. I do not have an actual update schedule.  I write and update whenever I am in the mood to, and when I have ideas, so please don't expect a consistent update schedule.

4. I do not have a certain number of chapters planned for this thing.  I am just going to add one, when I think of a cute story.

 . . . 

Well, that's all I have to say for now, I will see you in the next chapter (first drabble).

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