Part 2: Chloe's Domination

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Chloe knew how good her farts felt while they were exiting her bum, and how nasty they were. She looked over at Hailey and thought for a moment. Chloe had been working on squats and leg stuff for the past couple of years, she is somewhat thicc, so if her ass was on Hailey's face, the farts could not go anywhere but Hailey's nose. Chloe jumped on Hailey and pinned her to the bed. "Chloe, what the hell are you doing?!"

"You say my farts smell, huh. That was from a distance. Tell me how they smell directly from my asshole, will ya?"

"Wha...what?! No! Please Chloe, don't do this!" Hailey pleaded.

Chloe turned herself around and pinned Hailey to the bed using her feet. "Here, since you're my cousin, I'll spare you a little air in the beginning. It'll still stink to high heaven, though."

Chloe lowered her butt so that there was a 5 inch difference between Hailey's face and Chloe's ass. "You ready?" Chloe asked.

She didn't wait for an answer and pushed nearly immediately.


Chloe laughed. "Does it smell good? Huh? Make sure to sniff all of it up!"

Hailey coughed multiple times and said, "Dear lord. That is not just taco bell, that's dead roadkill for god's sake!"


"Ooh, that one was wet!" Chloe said, "I may need to wipe later..."

Hailey whined in discomfort and struggled to escape as Chloe shook her fat ass in her face. "Let me go, Chloe! What did I do to deserve this?!"

"Oh, nothing, I just wanted to fart on someone!" Chloe responded, "besides, I thought you enjoyed Taco Bell..."

"I do, as long as the contents of the meal aren't delivered to me in the form of methane exiting the asshole!" Hailey wailed.

Chloe laughed, looked down at her cousin squirming and thrashing to get free and said, "Are you ready for full submersion?"

"No... Please don't." Hailey said as a look of extreme dread crossed her face.

Her older cousin ignored her plea and lowered her hips, plunging Hailey's face into the crevice that was her ass. Hailey held her breath on her way in and began having trouble getting any air the deeper she went. The smell of sweat overpowered her nostrils, making Hailey gag and desperately look for fresh air. Chloe moaned with pleasure as the feeling of hot breath brushed up against her crotch. She started thrashing her legs all over, trying to escape the two mounds of flesh her face was surrounded in. She tried punching and smacking the sides of Chloe's thighs, but the mass of them acted as shock absorbers, rendering the punching useless. Chloe slightly lifted her right leg and Hailey's head immediately jerked that direction to get some fresh air. All of a sudden, a loud fart escaped her rump.


Chloe dropped her leg back down, letting the fart fester in Hailey's face. The gas stunk of rotten cheese and refried beans. She cried out in helplessness as Chloe put more weight on her. The stench of sweaty BO mixed with rotting cheese got stronger as her face slid deeper between the two mounds of nylon-covered flesh. Hailey whined and thrashed about when she felt her nose reach Chloe's asshole. Chloe began rotating her hips around, letting the gas in her gut move around. When the fart escaped her ass, the first sounded as if someone stuffed some cotton down a tuba and played it. That one lasted a couple of seconds. The next one came right after the last and sounded the same, but louder and longer. The last one of this trio came a few seconds after the second one, but this one was BIG. Chloe felt this one come barreling down her intestines and exited in a wet, bubbly state and stunk of shit and beans. This one lasted a monsterous 10 seconds and made Hailey squirm and thrash to get free, as the smell of the BO, the last two farts, and this new one had been too much fer her. After using all the strength in her body to try and escape, the stench overpowered Hailey and she blacked out.
Chloe got off and said, "Phew, I think I'm done. Thanks for soaking all that shit up."

Hailey woke up and said, while coughing intensely, "DON'T EVER DO THAT SHIT TO ME AGAIN!"

"I'll see what I can do..." Chloe said, "you're lucky I didn't take anything off."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Hailey said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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