Yugi body slowly came down to you as he kissed you heatedly. Your tentacles moved to him closer to your body and he let out a light moan at the way they squeezed him. Sweeping away a drooping fringe of gold with your fingers you peck his cheek.

"Hello, I'm y/n."

Yugi blinked at you and realized that nether of you knew each other's name.

"I'm Yugi. Sorry for making you wait."

You smiled up at him shaking your head. "I didn't mind and you're here now."

The two of your gazed at each other unsure on what comes next. Mating did feel like the next step but then what? The two of you would go off your separate ways and if successful you would carry his child. After that what next? Well, maybe, if the mating was pleasant, the two of you will meet again. But was that what you wanted? Yugi knew he didn't, but would you understand?

"Y/n," he began try to think of a way to stall that first step, "why do you collect human things as a hobby?"

"That's not an easy question for me to answer." You said running your hand in his hair. You went to kiss his lips but he pulled back to ask,"Then why do you live alone?"

"It's something my father's kind practiced." The hair in your hands felt so soft and you massage your fingers at the back of his head and watched as he relaxed into you. "But doesn't it get lonely?" He asked as he sighed. His eyes closed as part of his mind screamed at him to quit stalling and to just take you before you change your mind!

You had no intention of changing your mind about being with him and figured that he was merely nervous but it didn't bother you. Just having him in your arms was enough for now. "Some of us don't mind living in colonies with others kinds of merfolk but we mainly live alone." You kissed at his neck with soft little pecks as two of your tentacles rub at his back and another two slid around his tail.

Yugi moaned and huffed trying not to get lost in your touch. There was more he wanted to know. More he wanted to have with you then just a fast heated fling. But maybe just another kiss wouldn't hurt, he thought as he found his way to your soft lips and pressed his mouth to them. Yugi's hands rubbed at your back till one made its way up into your locks. Yugi pressed against your mouth till you opened it to him and his tongue slipped to rub along yours. Another hand went to undo the top that held your firm breast.

You moaned and twisted seductively in his hold as he kissed with a deeper passion. You had him in your grasp but he also had you trapped under his gentle passion. Your hips moved up to his to let him know you were ready, but that woke Yugi from his lust filled state. He broke the kiss and looked into you eye's with flushed cheeks and a heavy breathe asking, "And what about your mother? Did she live alone too?"


Yugi gulped since he knew he was talking to much and worried what you would think.

"What are you doing?" You asked loosening your hold on him. "Do you not want to mate with me?"

"No, that's not it." He said shaking his head. Panic filled his eyes as you look at him confused. "I do want to mate you! I really do! I just...it's my first! No! That's not it either. I..."

Tentacles fell away from him as you sat up forcing Yugi to move back. "Y/n, I sorry! I really like you and I want this, but-"

"Shh." He eyes widen as your hands cupped his face. You had a few memories of your mother and father sitting together and chatting. You could always tell when it was after coupling since it was the only time your mother would share a drink with your father. Something in the way he talked to you reminded you of those times. The merman wanted you, that you could tell but there was something else. Whatever it was you would give it to him, if it was in your power. Yugi's purple blue eyes shone at you as you said kindly, "Tell me what it is you want."

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