Chapter 1 the trouble begins

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I wake up to see Lawrence my brother across the room yelling my name and to wake up " ok bruv" I say to him I stand up and walk out behind him he is also still in his   Pjs. He has short brown hair and stunningly blue eyes he is a jock and about half the girls in this school have asked me to ask him out for them but every time I say no especially to this jerk of a girl Leah she asks me every time and I mean every time she sees me it is getting on my nerves  but I still say no every time. I have shoulder length brown hair and green and brown eyes they also have a blue rim around the edge of my eye and a blue rim around the pupil my name is Chloe. I guess you could say I was popular but I still prefer my small grope of friends that are actually my friends not a bunch of fakers who want my brother. The other day this goth guy I think his name is felix dropped a a5 black book on the floor and it burst open on a song or something called the unmaking spell I had a look at it and took a photo of it with my phone and called to him he said thanks to me and walked off. I think it might have been rude of me to do but it was brilliant referring to the elements as if a magical force use to heal and protect witch of course they are but I have never met anyone who has agreed with me about this. I walked over to my mirror with my phone I sing it to the tune felix was tapping on the desk the other day I looked in the mirror after sing it. My eyes are glowing yellow but it stops soon after. It is very weird that my eyes did that but not as weird as it was the first time my eyes glowed yellow. The first time was when I was reading out loud from this book in a shop I can't remember  what in the world it was called. So I was reading this out loud in the sealed section in front of a mirror and when I stopped my eyes glowed yellow. What the book said was that the elements could heal broken bones or cuts. The even more weird thing was that at the time I had a broken wrist and the next day it was fixed.  So this was not new but it was still weird to me. I garbed my brush and brushed my hair. I do my teeth and walk back in to my room and get changed into my long dark blue drop top and my black leggings. I ran to my draws and garbed black socks and pulled them on. My black boots with chain buckled boots witch are actually zip up boots they have black zips and zip up  at the back. I grab my bag and walk out of my room. I pick up my permission slip of the table and run out the door whilst yelling by mum to my mum. I see that my brother has already left for school. I pull  out my blue hoodie and pull it on and pull up my hood I then took it off and put it in my bag again. I plugged my headphone in and put the in my ears. I had walked just a little more up the pavement an was about to cross the road when I saw Felix stood in the road pulling at some thing. But there was a buss coming towards  him. Without thinking I jumped out on to him and pushed him out the way. We both went down and I landed on top of him. I stood up. " I am sorry Felix " I say. Whatever he was pulling out must have come with him when we fell. " that is alright you were just trying to save me from getting run over by a bus oh yea thanks for that as well oh and thanks for stoping me and giving me my book back the other day he said anyway it is the excursion today you want to walk with me and Ellen up to the bus?" He asks I blush not because he asked but because he talked to me. " yea if Ellen says it is alright" I reply to him. " why would Ellen care?" He asks in reply to my answer " well I thought you were dating" I replayed nervously to him "no we are not dating why would you think that" he asks me. "Well it is a rumour going around school" I reply less Shakily then last time. He nods and we walk up to Ellen. We then walk to school having conversations about what you think you will see in the bushes. When we get to the bus we hand mr bates our permission slips to him and get on the bus Ellen and felix sit on one side of the bus the side with two seats and I sit in the row next to them where there is only one seat. It is a short bus ride. When we get of the bus at the bush we are put in to gropes I am in a grope with James mark Alex and Arron were as my brother is with felix andy Sam and jake. I go with my grope who starts to walk but before we go in I creep in behind Felix's grope and sneak along with them. Felix is in charge of the map so we all follow him jake is complaining that we are to slow so Felix suggests we take a short cut but when we get to the clearing he loses his grip of the map and we all go tumbling down the cliff it is at that point felix notices me "what are you doing here?" He asks. Then I explain to them they nod and it starts to rain and felix asks if we should listen to music he puts his on and it is this song that was in his book. When it finished I said to him "nice music felix"  About an hour later we all fall asleep.

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