Volume 1.

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You want to know the most annoying sound ? It's the sound of the alarm clock on your phone on a Monday morning. This sound will literally want to make you throw your phone across the room and go back to sleep ( and I may be speaking from personal experience but whatever ).
I kicked the comforter off my bed and kicked my legs over onto the floor. My bonnet came off during the night and I currently didn't have my hair done so it look a raggedy mess. I stepped out of bed and stepped into some slides. I walked down the hall and banged on my brothers room to wake him up not really caring if he woke up or not. I walked into the bathroom and turned up the shower as high as I could bear and stepped in.
After about 20 minutes I stepped out the shower and wrapped the towel around my body. I walked down the hall back into my bedroom. It was light grey and it was a kind of small room but I loved it. My headboard was grey and my comforter was light pink. I stepped into my closet that connected me and my brothers room. I grabbed some leggings from my side of the closet and went to my brothers side and grabbed a nike t-shirt. I walked back into my room and combed my hair out and pulled it up into a high bun. I grabbed some socks and my blue Jordan ones and my backpack and phone.
I started to walk down scrolling through my facebook and bumped into my older brother.
"Dang watch where you going LayLay" he said with a grin on his face.
He knows I hate being called LayLay, and he's called me that since we were little. My real name is Malaysia and literally NOBODY calls me LayLay but him.
"Mane whatever Kaleem"
The grin wiped straight off his face when looked at what I was wearing he noticed I was wearing his shirt.
"Really Lay. You have most of the closet and you decide to wear my clothes"
I ignored him and walked down into the kitchen. My mom was sitting at the counter scrolling through her phone and she already had her scrubs on. My mom worked everyday at LeBonheur from 7am to 7pm during the weekday. I stepped down the steps and gave her a hug.
"Goodmorning hun, how'd you sleep?" She said drinking her orange juice.
"Good Mom what about you?" I replied " Good but you know how your dads snoring is babe" I laughed and grabbed a pop tart out the pantry.
"Bye Mom" I walked out the door and to the driveway to my car. It may sound horrible but recently the only love of my life was my car. My grandfather had bought me a 2018 nissan maxima for my seventeenth birthday and I was literally overjoyed and obsessed.
I opened the door and got in. Just as i was getting in the car my brother walked out the house and got into his old jeep he had gotten for his sixteenth birthday and gave me the stink eye. He was undeniably jealous because he had to save up for his own car and it wasn't even new like my but it didn't phase me.
I turned out the car and pulled up apple music. I clicked on Layton Greens song Leave Em Alone and turned around to back out my driveway. My school was about fifteen minutes from my house and my first class didn't start until 8:15 but I always made sure I was early so I could stop at the store and pick up some snacks.
After about five minutes I got to the gas station and I turned my car off and hopped out the car. I walked in and grabbed a bottle of water and some hot chips (which were my favorite chips of all time) and went to the register. I looked up to see a tall and muscular figure in front of me and I recognized him to be Demon. I could immediately feel myself getting nervous and excited. Demon was one of the finest people I had meet in probably my whole lifetime. He had bulging arms with tattoos all over his body. He had perfect waves and they were so hypnotizingly perfect they made you just want to run your head over them. He had a set jawline and it was obvious that he stayed in the gym a lot.
Suddenly I dropped my water and coming out of my Demon daze I bent down to pick it up and when I got up he was looking at me. I mean dead at me. Expressionless but still dead in my eyes. Probably the first thing you notice about Demon is the prominent scar over his eye.
"Hey Malaysia" his voice was so smooth it reminded me of a cats purr.
"Hey Demon." I said in the most monotone voice I could stammer up. But before Demon could say anything else the cashier said "I can take whoever next" and he walked up to the register and put his stuff on the counter. I couldn't help but notice his muscles flexing with every movement he took. I know the cashier was feeling him too because she looked like she was about to drool. He finished checking out and gave me a quick nod before heading out.
"I can take the next customer" the cashier said. I was liked up to the counter. "Girl he was too fine wasn't he!" I laughed and put my card in the card reader. "Girl you already know" I said playfully back. She started putting all my stuff in a bad and then said "He would have all the girls if we wasn't in that business you know". By business she meant he was a dealer. Everybody in the town knew not to mess with Demon unless you wanted to get wrapped up in some serious stuff. "Girl yeah I know." I told her back my tone changing swiftly with even the talk of that. I walked out the store and back into my car. I threw the bag onto the passenger seat and turned my car on and the car started playing the music. "I can't leave em alone tried to change my ways but the dope boy turning me on" Man ain't that right I thought. "Trap niggas know what I want so caught up that I can't leave em alone" I turned my music off and finished driving to school in the quiet.

June 30, 2019

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