I'm really sorry if I missed you. I scrolled through my notifications and tagged everyone there, and I went on for at least four hours, until I got to the point where Wattpad wouldn't let me go down any further. (And I went through all of the comments from 71-60)

I know there are more of you and I am so so so sorry if I missed your name to tag. I did not overlook you. I did not purposely skip you. You do not mean any less. I'm just an exhausted teen who has so much to do, and I really can't afford a sleepless night scrolling through this entire story, checking every single comment.

It's not that I don't want to or I can't. It just really wouldn't be good for me. Seriously, every comment I read just absolutely makes my day and it hurts my soul to think that I missed any of you. If you have commented and I missed your name, please comment here so I know and I can apologize to you personally.

I put a lot of work into trying to tag everyone, and I know I didn't, but I really really tried.

Thank you all so much for this support! I'm so glad that you're enjoying this story, I never thought this would get as popular as it has, and I can't believe how fortunate I am to have so many amazing, wonderful, kind, supportive people here reading this.

Thank you! Thank you so much! You guys mean more to me than you could ever know!

Enjoy 😘🥰


For a summary of the previous day, there wasn't much to tell. You had passed out for a few hours, then woken up, groggy and on a different plane of existence. You were brought back to Britannia by profuse apologies from King, for being so inconsiderate; Diane, for not paying attention enough to notice your mental state; and Elizabeth, for not being a good enough friend (by not noticing and being unable to help with your opinion of yourself). You comforted Emma enough so that she went home (with your accompaniment, of course), as she had refused to leave your side until you woke up, and you had found her, asleep with her head in your lap when you returned to the land of the living.

Meliodas smacked you across the head, demanding that you tell everyone when you're feeling down and allowing them to help you, then ruffled your hair and gave you a cheeky smile, which always managed to make you feel better. Merlin gave you a small, genuine smile from across the room, which was more than enough to tell you how glad she was that you were now okay.

We all stan mama Merlin

Gowther simply observed from afar, perplexed by the human emotion, but not commenting on what he saw. In total honesty, you had forgotten he was there. Then there was Ban.

He finally came back to the Boar Hat late into the night, when you were the only one awake. He paused right next to you, and you could most certainly sense the inner turmoil and sadness radiating from him. So, without him saying anything, you turned around, giving him a small hug on the arm.

"Don't worry. I forgive you." Was all you said, and then he retreated up to your shared room, where you didn't go, as you suspected he wanted some space.

Today, it was the day of the festival, and everyone was preparing. Diane and King has bought new outfits for everyone, and you were very grateful, as your cherished cloak was missing an arm; your shorts were frayed and ripped to the point of almost underwear; your shoes had lost their confidence, and now sunk to your calves, holes and rips all over them; and your gloves were basically nonexistent, now unintentional fingerless gloves that barely reached your wrist. Your top, it seemed, was the only article of clothing that was still intact.

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