Rad x Shy!Reader x Yandere!Raymond

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Requested by Allyson46073!!! Have a nice time reading this, also it will have more than 1 part, how many? Idk. Anyways here we go!

Storytime. 2nd p.o.v.

"Are you ready for the meeting (Y/N)? We must remain presentable, even in the act of evil. The more professional we appear, the likelihood of us being taken seriously rises." Professor Venomous states in a voice of discipline. Meekly turning to him, he pushes aside a piece of hair. A disappointed Fink requests a race to the limo to make up for the fact of not wanting to go, but still being forced to. You let out a small yes while running across the mansion to win, Fink passes you in a matter of seconds as if she is wind itself. So, naturally, Fink wins. Once in the limo, you both wait for Venomous to appear. It requires for him to take a bit more time seeing as you left the contract termination papers on his desk. He rounds the corner with the papers and gets in. On the way to Boxmore, he goes over the plan for the night while giving you the papers. You arrive shortly after his little speech is finished to the large, red factory. Disgust fills your mood as you look at the building, sadly you enter to find it looks worse on the inside. Dread fills your stomach when a short fat man that looks half robot chicken comes into view. Following behind him are three sentient robots, and following them is the smell of burning meat. Boxman introduces his robots Darrell, Sharon, and Raymond to you before the smell even reaches his nose. The smell persuades him to run off leaving the female robot to sing of poop and the tall male to flirt with you. You shyly refuse his offers while giving Venomous pleading eyes of fear. Sharon is interrupted by Boxman which causes Raymond to back off and Venomous to not get involved. Boxman apologizes, thus trying to make up for it by taking Venomous' coat. An angry Fink grabs the coat and waltz off to the coat closet. Boxman then leads you to a large dining hall with a window view. Fink arrives minutes later when everyone is seated. She is put into a toddler chair with a nice white napkin and empty plate. While Boxman gathers the food to bring it to you,the Darrell bot shows you his 'special' dance that he wears a sailor suit for. The food is then brought out only for you to find that it's charcoal now. Instead of eating, both you and Fink decide to play with it or make oragami out of your napkins. Suddenly the doors open to a cart with three chefs, one of which that looks about 6-11. They bring spaghetti out, making sure to put too much pepper; soup, it was spilled on Boxman; and banana cream pie. The large male with green hair and dark turquoise skin hands you a whole pie with a charming smile. Then the male takes another and throws it a Venomous. He ducks under the table allowing the pie to hit Fink. The three robots reappear while attacking the perpetrators. Raymond is hit head on by a pie that gets into his mainframe and shorts him out. Thankfully, he does not need to reboot and can continue fighting. The three revealed 'heros' are sent flying across the road to the bodega next door while the termination papers are thrown out. Rather than no longer doing business with Boxman, Venomous decides to buy 500 of his robots and renew their contract. Thankfully you leave straight after to return home to the mansion. Bidding Venomous a goodnight, you head off to your bedroom; however, the feeling of being watched covers you creating irrational fear. You toss and turn all night until the feeling passes. The night goes by quickly until morning peeks it's head from behind the mountains. When Venomous (<---word 666 right there😏) wakes you in the morning, he hands you a new assignment: gather intel on Boxmore's secrets. According to Venomous, no one expects the shy good child of the evil family to sneak around gathering information. "Here," Venomous gives you a paper with a pencil. "Take this with you, I've set it up so you will stay with him for around five weeks. Gather all the information you can. Also he knows that you're coming and has promised to take care of you to the best of his ability or else. Finally, this is your vacation time, make the most of it." With that, you were left to pack your things and ready yourself. You finish packing in record time, ready to head off to that awful factory. When you arrive, Raymond is there to meet you. He flirts with you the entire time he's showing you around, but you just walk spaced away from him. He takes you to a set of three rooms; one for you, one for Sharon, and one for Raymond and Darrell. Footsteps echo down the hallway as Boxman walks in. He gives you a schedule of the everyday life here and notifies you that Darrell and Sharon are fighting the bodega 'freaks'. You notice on the schedule that after the attack is free time, a good time to investigate the factory or the bodega. You choose to investigate the bodega first to find out more about their capabilities against their opponents and their opponents capabilities themselves. The feeling of being watched crawls up your spine as you walk across the road, when you look back only a pink smoke covers the area. You shudder and enter the bodega. A power card machine stands on the wall facing you just waiting to be used. You give it a quarter then let it scan your eyes. After a few seconds, your card pops out. Like you suspected, your level is positive not negative. The card goes in your pocket as you search for some candy. The three heros from yesterday stand at the counter talking while you shop. You finish quickly and buy the items. The female from yesterday recognizes you causing you to speak with her. The charming 'chef' from yesterday also makes an appearance. He compliments you while you stand there unable to speak. Enid notes this and decides to let you leave while forcing the male away. An angry, bloodlust smell creeps into the bodega as you leave while the feeling of being watched covers you once again.

To be continued. . .

The whole time I made this, I was expecting it to turn out like that one Spongebob episode about the fish with a spatula for a hand. 😂😂😂
Anyways I hope you like it! Bai!

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