Chapter 15~ Going back to Demi

Start from the beginning

"Yea we are dating but... we haven't been talking lately, I'm worried that he will want to break up with me"  Demi said

"Demi, you're talking crazy talk. That kid is crazy in love with you and you are crazy in love with him. He won't break up with you"  I said

"You're right Dan"  Demi said 

"I'll see you later tonight with Selena and Marissa, okay?"  I said

"Alright, see you later Dan"  Demi said

With that I hung up the phone and turned to Selena. Who was smiling up at me. 

"Hey"  I said with a smile while staring down at her

"Hey right back at you"  Selena said to me

Selena pulled me down towards her and snuggled into me. As much as I wanted to stay there and snuggle with Selena, we couldn't. Selena was right, we had to clean up and get packed up then pick up Marissa and bring her back here before Big Rob got here.

"I do believe the ten minutes ended like twenty minutes ago"  I said with a smirk on my face

"Now you choose to pay attention to the time"  Selena groaned out

"Okay I'll make you a deal. We don't have to pick up Marissa until a little bit before 5, if we finish everything before then, then we can have more cuddle time and that includes feeding ourselves"  I said

"Alright Deal"  Selena said

With that Selena got up off the mattress and looked down at me. I reached out my arms and pouted. Selena threw her head back and let out the laugh that I loved, it always put a smile on my face. She helped me up and I brought her into me and hugged her. 

While I made us breakfast, Selena went a showered. By the time she was down breakfast was served. We ate omeltes that were filled with ham, cheese, onions, green peppers and tomatos, we also had bacon, fruit salad and each had a cup of orange juice. Unlike my wonderfully talented sister, I can cook and I can cook extremely well. We quickly ate but had a decent converation because the time was fast approaching 2 o'clock in the afternoon. After we ate, we went to work cleaning up Selena's front room that was our makeshift bedroom. It took us almost an hour and half  to do that and once that was finished all we had to do was pack our bags and that should be a fairly simple task. 

The fairly simple task that should have been a half hour long task turned into an hour long task because Selena couldn't decide what clothes she wanted to take for her two week long trip. I am of the female gender and I have yet to understand females. I just had to run back to my apartment and grab a few things and repack my bag, and that only took me 20 minutes. In the spare time that I had I decided to take a shower at Selena's apartment to clean myself up. When I was finished, I got dressed in fresh clothes seeing as I have been wearing the same clothes for almost 2 days. I brushed out my hair and put it into a pony tail and put in my contacts, not bothering to apply any make up. By the time I was done getting ready, Selena was finally done packing up her two suitcases. 

I helped Selena bring her suitcases down by her door, setting them down by my duffle bag. I made sure that my chargers and my laptop were packed up in to my backpack, then setting that next to the suitcases. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it, scrolling to Marissa's contact and tapping the little letter icon to send her a text.

To MarMar
Your ass better be ready! Selena and I are leaving her place now. 

I hit send and grab my keys, Selena who is tapping her feet by the front door is getting rather inpatient. When I approached the front door, she threw her head back and sighed saying Finally in the process. 

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