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The wall appeared when they first saw each other. The second her breathe caught in her throat the stones rose from the earth.

She knew why they were there yet the thick stones were unmovable. He stayed with her, on the other side of the wall, back against the cold grey, never questioning it, never questioning her. He stayed for days. Impatience pulled at the back of his mind.

With frustration clotting in his throat, he asked her why the wall was there, why she couldn't move it.

That moment the wall grew as if it were alive, breathing, moving, consuming her. Taking her from the world, from the boy. The once beautiful sunset darkened, combining with the wall to make a  riptide.

Before it could take her from him, he cried out his love for her as the taste of impermissible love stung his tongue, saying what he felt from the first time he saw her.

In that moment, the walls fell. Crumbling to the ground, falling like shattered glass, raining around them.

He reached out, pressing her to his frame, her heart hammering against his.

Sheltering her as the walls fell with her tears.

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