9: Decisions, Decisions

Start from the beginning

"He's doing well. As well as he can be being that his lawyer son has chosen football."

Justice rose a brow. "Football? Where do you play?"


Her eyes widened, "No way! Since when?"

"About 2 months now." he said matter-a-factly. "Speaking of which, we need to get  a move on if we want to make breakfast."

Without hesitation, Justice readied herself in her room. Then they were on their way to Degrassi.

* * *

Freddie Droyd was altering an auburn dress when Justice entered the auditorium. He had not noticed her at first, but immediately rolled his eyes when he did.

"Hi, Freddie." Justice displayed a gentle smile.

"Shoe size?" he said, dryly.

Just was taken back. "What?"

Freddie sighed exasperatedly. "What's your shoe size?"

"Eight." she said, her brows knitted together.

"Put on the sapphire pumps by the stool."

Justice felt the heat of anger rising beneath her skin. "Only if you ask nicely."

Freddie rolled his eyes. "Please."

Justice turned and made her way to the stool where she, promptly, slipped on the heels. The shoes were a beautiful shade of blue with an opening exposing her toes in the shape of a teardrop. She watched her feet as she walked in them, enjoying the click-clock sound they made.

Freddie's demands came immediately. "Walk from here to the wall and back." Justice hesitated, and when Freddie noticed, he sighed. "Please."

Barely satisfied, Justice turned and executed her best runway walk.

"Beautiful!" Freddie called out repeatedly. Justice smiled, for a moment believing he was referencing her. Until he continued with, "Yes, those heels are perfectly gorgeous!"

Her smile faded faster than it appeared. In one swift movement, she turned and marched back towards him.

Eyes back on the dress, he said, "Put them back where they were and leave."

Stunned in disbelief by how someone can continue to be so rude, Justice hesitated before the irritation hit her. Kicking off the shows, she stormed out.

Fred sighed when the door closed. When he thought of the friendship they once had, he felt sorry for being so cold towards her, but what she had done was far beyond humiliating. She needed to be shown that she couldn't get a friend back from a simple apology.

* * *

Justice couldn't fight the frown that was plastered on her face as she stormed down the hall. She now had an hour to kill before lunch since Freddie, obviously, did not need (want) her there. Perhaps she would head to the library to kill time. Maybe read, maybe take a nap.

Her phone chimed in then, startling her. She whipped it out to a text that read:

"If u have nothing 2 do, meet me at the picnic tables"

It was form Johnny.

She looked up from her phone as she reached the glass door that led to the outside eating area, where Johnny was sitting alone. Justice was not ready for this confrontation.

She opened the glass door, and felt her heart stop as he rose his eyes to meet hers. "Hey, Johnny." she said, softly, as she stopped a few steps from the table.

"Did you talk to your dad?" he asked, eyes burning into her own.

Justice looked away, chewing her lower lip, guiltily. 

He sighed, "I figured you hadn't."

Justice eyed him sharply. "Look, I'm sorry." she said. "I lied when I said there wouldn't be a problem."

"What problem?" he asked.

"My mother."

Johnny scoffed. "Not surprised."

"I'm sorry, Johnny. I hate things are this way." They are both silent before she speaks again. "Speaking of moms, has your mom said anything since we told her last weekend?"

"Not that I hadn't been thinking about it, but she's the one that suggested I see the baby."

Another silence.

"So I should definitely talk to my father about this." she concluded.

"Do what you want, Justice, but one way or another, I will see my baby." He paused and looked at her. "It would be better if we went together."

Justice glanced at the time on her phone. It was getting close to lunchtime. "I'll talk toy you later, Johnny." she said, before turning to walk away.

Johnny watched her as she made her way towards the school. He observed every movement of her body. From the swing of her dark curls dancing around her shoulders to the swing of her arms. From the swish of her hips to the controlled bounce of her rump. His eyes roamed the curve of her midriff, reminiscing the times his hands had moved smoothly down those curves to explore her hips and down to her thighs.

His eyes fell closed as the memory replayed in his mind. How he longed to relive those moments with her. But he regretted what followed after. She was forced to go through pregnancy alone. He wished he had been there. To hold her hair through the morning sickness. To feel the baby moving through her growing belly.

He opened his eyes. He truly cared for Justice, and for now he would wait on her to decide when they would make the trip. But he would not wait forever.

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