Chapter 2

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Ghost's POV

Ghost slowly walked to the Forgotten Crossroads' hot spring, making sure they had a tight but snug grip on the tiny vessel, who they named Crawlid, in their arms.

Hornet and the rest of their siblings were at their house, at least they could only hope they were. Their younger siblings were proving to be a nuisance.
The small vessels disliked staying inside and would almost always try to find a way out, making a mess of the house. Ghost had to have Hornet or themself watch over the vessels so they wouldn't sneak out, but no matter what they did, they still seemed to find a way out.

Ghost learned the reason on why they acted like this was because they were restless and wanted to explore beyond the house. So Ghost had taken to taking the young vessels with them whenever they wanted to go somewhere or sometimes leaving the vessels with hornet or whoever was available to look after the tiny gremlins. They also had to learn the hard way that they couldn't take more than three of the other vessels at a time or they would somehow "accidently" get "lost".

It was hard looking after the gremlins. And it seemed to prove more of a challange each day.
As Ghost was having a inner monologue, they patted the small vessel in their arms, which had started ammiting a purring sound. Before long, Ghost found themselves at their destination.

Ghost eagerly ran to the soothing water, resisting the urge to jump into it. They put Crawlid onto the edge of the spring, which had abruptly awoken them, before walking into the water themselves.
Ghost let out a inaudible sigh as they sunk into warm water. Crawlid let out a squeak as they "patted" the water with their mantis like claws, which they'd gained after their first moult.

???'s POV

They quickened their pace as their sibling started to run. Their sibling had been watching the ghost for awhile before leaving the things they called "eggs" for them to find. They weren't sure why they did this but they trusted Thek.
They were the one that helped them after all.

They quickly brought themself to a halt as their sibling stopped at a certain room. Thek pointed to them and the doorway before dashing into the room. They silently waited as their sibling started searching for something. They already knew what was about to happen.
They watched as Thek hurriedly scribbled something on a note before sticking it onto a hidden egg. Thek then picked up the egg with the note and one of the eggs next to it. Thek walked back to their waiting sibling and plopped the egg without a note into their hands.
"Kraken", Thek pointed to the larger egg still in their arms ,"Xeno" Thek said as they pointed to the other egg. They only nodded.
Thek quickly walked passed their sibling as they rushed somewhere. They knew where that somewhere was.

Crawlid's POV

Crawlid quickly grew bored of splashing the water. They also realized that their sibling wasn't right by their side. They let out a sad cry. Not only did their sibling drop them in water, but they left them to fend for themselves!
Crawlid let out another cry before turning their head and realising their sibling was only a few feet away. They let out a grumble like sound as they quickly got out of the shower and shook off the water. They were glad their sibling didn't leave them.
They quickly flopped onto the damp ground as if they tired themselves out, their limbs splayed out as if their were flattened.

All they wanted to do was sleep but now they were extremly uncomfortable. But being cold and in a uncomfortable pose didn't seem to stop sleep from taking over.

Crawlid awoke to the sound of claws hitting stone. They looked over excited only to see that their older sibling had fallen asleep in the spring.
They were confused before they heard the sound again and looked at the entrance of the spring. A figure seemed to be leaving two large black orbs at the entrance. Crawlid let out a squeak as they got up and rushed to the stranger. The stranger, upon seeing a tiny child child running towards them, quickly ran away. That confused the tiny vessel greatly. They ran up to the black orbs as they watched the stranger in a robe like cloak disappear.
Crawlid let out a confused chirp to the orbs before poking one.
It moved slightly.
Crawlid quickly ran back to Ghost, letting out a supprised shriek before doing so. Ghost didn't seem happy to be suddenly tackled by their sibling.

???'s POV

"It's okay" Thek said soothingly "Just because the little tyke saw you once dosen't mean they'll remeber you. I don't think they could even talk"
They let out a sniff as they tried to wipe off any tears on their face, which only got replaced by a new set of tears. Their excitement for being able to finally help their sibling had vanished the moment they had been spotted.
"But still got caught" they sobbed as their sibling sympathetically patted their shoulder.
"It's okay! It was your first time doing something that you normally didn't have to do. I'll teach you how to be more sneaky next time okay" Thek replied as they patted their sibling's shoulder.

That brought up their mood. "By the way, I have finally found a name I think suits you"
That definally perked them up
"I'll call you Slasher"

The newly named vessel let out a happy squeal as they tackle hugged their sibling. They loved their new name. Slasher had a nice ring to it.
Thek chuckled as they hugged Slasher back. "We should be going home now. Don't want to take anymore chances today, do we?"

Slasher shook nodded their head as they followed their now moving sibling.

They had a strange feeling of someone watching them and were eager to leave.


Im so sorry for not updating for awhile. I just had no desire to write for so long. (You will hear this again. Trust me)
Anyway I'm hoping to start actually updating this. No promises but im going to hopefully post a chapter once a month. So that I dont leave you guys hanging for that long.

I'm sorry for any mistakes but as of writing this I'm extremly tired.

See you guys next chapter~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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