Dating Emilia would include

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Dating Emilia would include:

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Dating Emilia would include:

-You were an up and coming British fashion designer and you both attended the same party at LFW

-you originally fell in love with her laugh, admiring her from afar surrounded by people, the life of the party...

-...but you were too why to approach her, so she was the one who came to you first.

-lots of awkward flirting when you first met:

-"are you from south England?"

"uh, no i..I'm from Yor-"

-"because you just Brighton-ed up my day!"


-"I don't're just really pretty and I saw you staring at the other side of the room and really wanted to talk to you, but I didn't know what to say...was it too much?"

-"n-no, you're cute, I-I was cute...i-mean... I'm not saying you're not cute because y- I'm y/n"

"I'm Emilia. You're cute too."

-you both went on a first date at a small little cafe in soho.

-Emilia came incognito covered up donning a pair of black shades and a beanie over her head

-"you're gonna have to excuse the fashion statement...I didn't want any public Daenerys sightings to ruin our date"

-You decide to keep your relationship a secret at first to prevent public scrutiny against you and the both of you being a couple

-you nicknaming her "milly " or 'baby'

-she normally calls you 'love' if not y/nn

-As you fall in love with each other Emilia becomes your muse,

-you designing an entire collection around her

-Emilia flying out to see all of your fashion shows, always sitting front row.

-Calling each other and speaking on the phone for hours every night when you're away from each other

-pretending to be wide awake because whenever she rings it's always past midnight Where you are.

-long phone calls and drowsy "I love you"s over the phone

-worrying about each other when you're apart (which is often seeing as you have such busy careers) and always texting each other

-You surprising her by flying to the GOT set for her birthday, after being away from each other for nearly three months; a lot of tears were shed

-her introducing you to the GOT cast

-accidentally outing your relationship when a picture of you kissing her while she was in Daenerys' wig leaked.

-you both considered playing it off and saying you were a GOT character, but decided to come out and confirm your relationship instead

-her being very protective over you at first, not wanting to share anything about your relationship with the public.

-"I just...I don't want whatever they have to say to ruin us...or to ruin you...I love you and I don't want them to try and tear you down"

-"fuck whatever they say, Emilia. I love you. No  gossip column article can change that"

-eventually she warms up to the idea, you being her date to award ceremonies and proudly clapping and cheering the loudest when she wins:

-"that's my girlfriend guys!"

-her being the sweetest girlfriend

-cuddling as you fall asleep together,

-Emilia ,being tiny, always being little spoon

-lots of pda

-long passionate kisses

-constant hand holding

-her always wrapping her arms around your waist

-because you're her girlfriend you, by default  end up being either her partner in crime or the victim of her pranks (usually the latter)

-Getting wine drunk together

- having to tell Emilia to shut up multiple times because she gives away GOT spoilers due to being drunk

-cuddling each other and falling asleep on the coda together after a movie marathon

-Emilia being a morning person... you...not so much

-her always having to try and wake you up

"Come on your eyes"

"Emilia fuck's 6am"

-her resorting to waking you up with neck kisses (which usually turn into something else)

-travelling a lot together and going backpacking around the world whenever you have the free time.

-going to lots of concerts and going to the pub together

-the both of you being surprised (and incredibly relieved) when no one recognises Emilia (likely due to the shoulder length brown hair)

-baking together every Friday night

-...and laughing about it whenever it comes out burnt

-your igs are mainly blurry candids of each other (However you prefer to keep your account private)

-moving in together into a beautiful cosy London apartment

-and spending hours with Emilia (an interior design fantatic) trying to find the right furniture to decorate it

-debating several times about your creative differences,

-"just because you watch grand designs Emilia, doesn't mean you know about interior design...a yellow coffee table? Seriously?"

-"and being a fashion designer suddenly means you know how to?"

-"I know about colours me"

-you guys have a plethora of inside jokes together and you're always laughing at things that no one else understands

-lots of witty sarcastic humour

-having giggling fits together at the worst moments possible, ie. during interviews

-honestly just lots of laughter all round

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