Jonathan Christopher

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Sitting there in Maggie's Diner looking around for tonights girl. He was on a good streak! Got one every night this week. He was pretty proud of him self for that! He was always the perfect gentleman at first, acted stuck by their beauty, told them how beautiful they were, would touch them friendly on the arm sending chemical reactions to their brain, making them high on the love feeling your brain makes you feel.

Any girl that left the bar, club, or restaurant with Jonathan wasn't ever seen again. Not that anyone would notice, he moved to a different part of town each night. Jonathan didn't see anything wrong with what he was doing. After all it was all he saw growing up. Father would be so proud he thought.

Jonathan's Father was a serial killer well known to the whole state of Missouri. Bradley Jacob was shot and killed, when the detectives finally found where he had been hiding, when Jonathan was only 14. Jonathan wasn't found he hid when the cops removed the dead body of his father and when he was certain the detectives were gone he ran, and he kept running until he had gotten to one of the houses they detectives hadn't found.

Jonathan thought nothing wrong with charming a woman pulling her away to a wonderful night and then ending her life in any gruesome way he felt was necessary.

Jonathan had learned from his fathers mistakes, and was very careful with every detail of the execution.

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