"I missed you Yeollie."

"I missed you too Dove. We all do. Thank you for talking to me."

Areum smiled then quickly pulled Chanyeol's hand to her stomach were the baby was moving around. Chanyeol gasped happily "oh my god! That's she's moving! That's my niece in there."

Areum nodded "she likes your voice. She goes crazy whenever you talk or sing."

Sehun said "talk to her. Tell her who you are."

Chanyeol leaned closer to Areum's stomach "hi baby I'm your uncle Chanyeol. You can call me Uncle Chan when you're older. I can't wait to meet you and spoil you like the little princess you are. I love you so much already."

Areum started crying Chanyeol did too. The whole time he was talking baby Oh was going crazy kicking and punching up a storm.

Baekhyun asked "are these happy tears?"

Areum nodded "she really likes him. This is the most she's ever moved."

Chanyeol wiped his face "oh my god. That was beautiful. I oh shit. I'm totally gonna cry when she's born."

There was a knock on the door and Areum froze waiting for a voice.

It was Kyungsoo "hey umm Junmyeon is here and I don't know if you wanna see him."

Baekhyun said "he can stay here if he wants but I think one a day is enough for her. She did great with Chanyeol."

Areum pouted but nodded knowing Baekhyun was right.

Kyungsoo said "ok I'll tell him. Have a good night Areum."

Chanyeol kissed her head and got up to leave but she grabbed his hand and shyly asked "sleep with me?"

Sehun quickly asked "are you sure angel?"

Areum nodded "I know you two probably miss Dae and Xing. I.... I'll be fine with Chanyeol."

Baekhyun said "ok but you know we're just down the hall. Yell if you need us for anything baby."

Areum kissed them both "I know Baek. Tell Dae and Xing I'm sorry for hogging you guys."

Sehun shook his head "they don't mind. They just want their baby back to her happy self. Don't worry about it. Chan are you ok sleeping with her?"

Chanyeol looked at them "is there anything I should know?"

Areum giggled "I get up a lot to pee you might have to help me out of bed but that's pretty much it."

Baekhyun playfully scoffed "she's always hot so it's gonna be fucking freezing in here dress warm and get your own blanket baby doesn't know how to share."

Areum pouted "I said sorry for getting you sick. I can't help it that I'm always hot. It's baby Oh's fault."

Chanyeol smiled "already blaming my niece and she isn't even here yet. How dare you Dove?"

Areum whined loudly as Sehun said "oh watch out she pees if she laughs to hard. Me or Baek will help you shower in the morning ok angel?"

Areum nodded "good night. Thank you."

Baekhyun and Sehun kissed her forehead before going to their respective boyfriends.

Chanyeol smiled at Areum "so any name ideas?"

Areum laid down and cuddled with her body pillow "I like Soyeon and Yeeun."

Chanyeol looked through Areum's closet for some of his clothes and quickly changed before laying in bed "Oh Soyeon sounds pretty. What about Nari oooh or Nana. Nana is cute."

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