Laughing Jack A Creepypasta story

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There once was a amusement park with rides and Cricus tent. But little did the workers know that the park was haunted by a clown name Laughing Jack
( Or for short L.J ) That kills children and uses yhere organs to make three types of candy poison, Sleeping candy, and Normal candy. L.J gets Children one by one to kill them. And the children that got abuse by their parents, L.J will Toucher the parent or kill the parents. After L.J Toucher the Parents L.J will take the child,raise them, and after he raised them he kill them and make candy out of them. But one day he was in the forest and saw Slenderman. Slenderman came to L.J and said ," L.J, you can come to the Mansion. Do you want to come ? " Then L.J said, " Ok Slenderman I will come, but I only come if you give me a room. " After he  said that Slenderman said, " Ok I will give you a room but you have to be my proxy. " After L.J agree, L.J meet Ticci Toby, Hoodie, Maskey, Jason the Toymaker, Candypop, Lazari, Jeff, Jane, Laughing Jill, Clockwork, and Trenderman. In years he had serial killers Friends.  P.s. Laughing Jack like Jason the Toymaker,Such Gay people.

~ A/N note I hope you guys like my first story I hope I can post everyday I would like to get to 10 views atleaste 😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤ ~

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