chapter two

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Chapter 2

We got to camp and we went to our cabins everyone got to pick 2 friends to be in there cabins with them then the camp councillors will put to groups together to make a group of 6 and those six will be your group for the next group was with the "Mean Girls" (ew)because there was not enough people in there group so they had to pick me.the only other person was this girl called Chloe she is ok but she is sorta the wanabie of the "Mean Girls" she has tried to be friends with them for about 3 years but she missed the "onisheation" every year.we go to our cabins and start unpacking, they told us to pack warm stuff and stuff we are willing to get dirty but these girl obviously didn't get the memo.

We got everything unpacked and when i thought nothing could get worse there were no beds left so I had to go and get a mattress for tonight because they had to go get a bed from the office and that was at the bottom of the hill.

We started the activities and it was not fun they were so boring because in the mud crawl you are connected by ropes and you have to crawl under things and go over things, and of course my group would not even get there feet in the mud so i had to go in alone and the whole purpose was to work as a team and we had one less person so we would have got through a lot quicker.

For dinner we had soup that looked about 30 years old and it was cold so my mum probably had this when she came to camp. And it tasted even worse than it looked, it tasted like a bunch of dirty socks mixed with melted cockroach ice cream with pineapple in it(it was gross)they also have a small dog and i gave all my food to the dog.

We went to our cabins and luckily I saved some of my lunch because I would have starved without it.

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