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Everyone got in the car and James immediatly changed his tone. He acted as if no one knew who was on the phone. He hung up and it was everyone's job to pretend it didn't happen.

"I thought you were ending it." Nicole scolded without even looking her husbands way.

"It was work." James lied.

"Don't give me that damn lie." She spat.

"I'll end it. I promise." James sighed. He then placed his hand on Nicole's.

"Don't touch me until it's over." She said, pulling her hand away.

"That'll be a while." Blake chuckled to himself.

"What did you say boy!" James yelled.

"Nothing." Blake mumbled.

"It didn't sound like nothing." James continued.

"It was nothing, dad! He didn't say anything." Gia stepped in defense.

"We moved here to escape this nonsense!" Nicole yelled. Everyone was silent.

Gia could tell her brother was about to say something stupid and put her hand on him so he would look at her. "Don't" she mouthed. Blake knew his sister was right and kept his mouth shut.

Gia and Blake always had a close relationship. They were twins. They were both stuck in the Rose family. Each of them was under tons of pressure. They had each other. They were best friends. And at times it felt as if they could only cry on each other's shoulders.

They arrived at the restaurant. A large fancy restaurant. When they walked inside they saw everyone's eyes on them. They were new in town. They were the fresh meat for the rich vultures to pick on.

A hostess sat them down at a table by the window. Eyes still floated their way.

When it came time to order, Gia was about to speak up when her mother ordered her a side salad and left it at that. Her mother smiled her way and Gia knew that that was all she was gonna get. Blake gave the look he always gave to Gia when she didn't defend herself. The, "why can you stand up for me and not yourself" look, or the "say something" look. But when it came to Nicole, Gia kept her mouth shut.

"So, you two start on Monday, and I expect a good report." James stated. "And Blake, I've already talked to the coach. Although tryouts have already taken place, he said that the teams in need of boys. And that you made varsity."

"Oh that's great sweetie!" Nicole cheered.

"Congrats." Gia smiled. She had no idea how much Blake hated baseball, or that he felt the same pressure she did when she was competing.

"I didn't even do anything." He sighed.

"But we all know how talented you are." Nicole said.

The family ate and returned home. They saw the movers unpacking boxes and pushing them into the house. Nicole immediately started barking directions to be careful with that and put that in there. The rest of the family hid inside their rooms. Eventually Gia ventured her way to her brother's room.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hey, whats up?"

"The movers are putting stuff in my room. And mom kept yelling. Also, I wanted to congratulate you again on making the baseball team." Gia said.

"What if I suck?" Blake contradicted.

"You won't. You're the best baseball player I know." Gia said, hoping to give her brother some confidence.

"How many baseball players do you know?"

"Hey! I was with you when you met Taylor Teagarden." She laughed.

"So I'm better than Teagarden?"

"One-hundred percent." She laughed again.

"These boxes go in this room!"Nicole barged in and the movers began setting down large boxes full of Blake's things.

"Let's go for a walk. Get out of the house." Blake suggested.

"Ok." Gia nodded.

They began to walk through their new neighbor hood and saw all the rich families. Each one seemed to have a faker life than the one before. That was until they stumbled across a pretty small house for the area. Inside they saw a television flickering. A girl was sitting at the table crying. The flickering from her tv made a blue colored halo appear around here. Both kids felt instant sympathy for her, but Blake especially. He wanted to be there for her.

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