I smiled and made eye contact with all the girls. Except for America. She wouldn't look at me. I'm not too sure if it's that she's mad at me, or thinks I'm mad at her, or she's embarrassed. I'm just hopeful she'll look at me later.
"Hello ladies, welcome back and thanks for coming." It sounded a little rehearsed. Well it was I thought to myself. I've been saying that to everyone.
"Yes thank you so much for coming and celebrating our love with us." When Kriss said that America made a weird face but immediately coved it up with a small smile.
"You will all be staying in your old rooms, with the same maids." As soon as I said that America looked up at me with the biggest smile. Her eyes seemed to sparkle. Her beautiful icy, ocean blue eyes. I felt like I could get lost in her eyes, it was like a spell. But she turned away fast and looked at Kriss instead of me like she'd broken a rule.
"Come on in," Kriss said and looped her arm through mine and we all walked inside.

America's POV:
A few hours later....
After we walked inside we were taken to our rooms and dressed like the ladies I guess we ought to be. I was is a pretty light blue dress. Which hugged my curves.
I went out to the hallway and was met with Marlee, Natalie and Celeste. Marlee was in a pink dress, Natalie was in a light yellow dress, and Celeste was in a red dress.

It felt like we were in the selection again, even though it was the opposite

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

It felt like we were in the selection again, even though it was the opposite.
"Are you getting these days off Marlee!?" Celeste asked super excited.
"Yes Maxon told me that he talked to the king, and it wasn't easy but I was pardoned for the 'affair' I had with Carter during the selection. So I don't have to hide and I'll be a lady again." Marlee explained with a huge smile. "That's great Marlee!!" We all said back. We made our way downstairs to the gardens to have tea before dinner. At this point it's almost 5pm and we'll have dinner at 6pm.
We were escorted into a part of the garden I'd never seen before. Damn the palace was really huge. There was a large circle table for us all to sit in. There were 36 sits. Only 33 of the selected were able to come, add Kriss, Amberly and Prince Maxon. I sat down with Marlee, Natalie and Celeste in the only sets left. To my bad luck they were right across from Kriss and Prince Maxon. Thankfully Amberley was only a few sets to my left.
Tea was torture. All of my focus was going into not looking up at Prince Maxon. I only spoke up when I was directed talked too, and even then I kept my answers brief. I wanted to talk to Amberly but I didn't really get the chance to. After 30 minuets of Kriss asking us a million questions, we all headed back to our rooms so we could get ready for dinner. I didn't look at Prince Maxon once even though that's all I wanted to do. It gave me hope I could ovoid him while I'm here. Although the actual wedding will literally be hell. I already know it.
I went upstairs and Mary put me in a full length gown. After I was dressed, Ann did my hair while Mary did my makeup. Lucy wasn't there at all. Ann and Mary said they were covering her shift for a bit. I'm assuming she's out with Aspen. I'm happy that they can be together. At least someone out of that stupid love triangle got their happily ever after. Maybe Prince Maxon did too. I wouldn't know. I don't talk to him and haven't looked at him. He probably is happy. Happier then he'd ever be with me. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door. I shook my head and went to open it. I hesitated a bit to open it though. What if it was Prince Maxon behind the door. What would I do then. I opened the door and there stood Celeste in a purple gown. Of course. Why would the Prince even think to talk to me. Me. The bitch the cheated on him and broke his heart.
"Are you ready to go?" She asked "Yeah, let's go"

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