Chapter 2; Life Changing Choice

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3rd person POV

"My daughter...if you do can only stay on earth for 7 days. A week. No longer. If you fail your cant return."

"I...I except my decision. I will go to earth. I will stop the darkness. I am going to protect the place i had called my home for 27 years. I dont care how long you give me. I will do it." She said. Her voice was full of confidence.

"Well, then you time starts when your ready." Jesus went back to looking over the earth and helping people who pray for his help.

She stepped out of the room and closed the dorlor behind her. She made her way to her friends and family.

"Oh, welcome home dear. Please, sit, i will make you some tea." Her mother put the kettle on the stove and began boiling some water.

"Mom, im afraid i cant stay long. I have something to do." She said to her mother. "Im going to earth."

"What!" Her mother turned around quickly and looked at her daughter in disbelief. "Honey, you realize that your asking to bw killed by a demon, right? Demons can walk the earth. If they see a Angel, they will kill you. Split your wings apart and tear you limb from limb."

"Look, i know what im doing. I will be fine mom. I promise. I will go in disguise. Any direction i see a demon in, i promise to stay clear of there path." She looked at her mom, knowing she may never see her again. She walked over and gave her mom a hug. "You know i hate saying goodbye. But if i don't come back, then i want to say...'Goodbye mother'."

The room went silent until the mother broke the silence.

"Goodbye my daughter..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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