Just as we left the infirmary, the bell for first period went off. Class wasn't too far down the hall so we just walked there, speeding up when we saw Shota walking behind us, further down the hall. He met my gaze but I was already in class before he could say anything, as was Koda. We slip up and went to our own desks, Koda occasionally looking back and meeting my eyes.

There were also three others looking at me as well. First there was Midoriya, I assumed that he was still holding onto the first day where I had comforted him, but I don't know why he continues to put himself near me. There was also Ojiro, who waved when I met his gaze. I knew he was thinking about our plan to spar after class which I was actually looking forward to as well.

And finally, Shoto Todoroki. He was the same as always, staring at me and holding my gaze when I looked at him. I met his eyes for a second and stared back at him as he did the same to me. I didn't know what his motives were but I knew why he was looking at me. Since his father is a hero, naturally I lived in their house for a small amount of time for the HC program. And in that time, I had said something which I regret.

Just thinking about it made my mind ache, it was one of my memories of my time with HC which I didn't like to remember. Most heroes were kind and welcoming while the Todoroki household... is was very different from everyone else's way of living.

At one point I had even seen Shoto as a friend of mine, we got along well and since we were both lonely we were naturally drawn to each other. Sure there were negatives while I was there, but there were a whole bunch of positives too. Like how Shoto and I would play together when his father thought we were training, when Fuyumi would take care of me like a little sister, how Natsuo would gush over me and how their mother, who I went to visit once with Fuyumi and Natsuo, reminded me of my own mother.

A majority of the heroes I had stayed with during that time lived alone, very few of them having families, so when I came to the Todoroki household it was a lot different. The family was dysfunctional and their father wasn't kind to Shoto like mine was to me, but I treasured my time there, being a part of a family again.

It was the last day that I was there and I was upset that I had to leave. I remember how Shoto hugged me, allowing me to cry into his shoulder. It was a rare occurrence for me but it was needed, the emotional urge was too great. And then I said it.

"I wish I was a part of your family."

Normally that wouldn't have triggered anything but in Shoto, it did. He questioned what I meant and asked why I would want to be a part of his family. I understand now, why he asked me this but back then I was barely able to understand my own emotions let alone other's.

"I wish that I had been born into your family and not my own," I told him, not expecting the reaction I got.

He pulled away, no longer holding me. And he got mad, said something about never understanding what he had been through or something along those lines.

And I regretted it, I undermined his pain and then we were no longer anything.

But none of it would've mattered anyway, I was cut off from all heroes I stayed with so there was no point in getting attached. The first time I had seen him after that day was at the recommendation trials for U.A. I was surprised to see him there, actually no, I wasn't surprised. If I'm being honest, I had completely forgotten about him until that moment. He was just a blurry memory who had only come back recently.

"Alright everyone, take out your books and flip to page 32," Shota called out in a bored tone, looking down at the book in his hands.

Class started, everyone's eyes either focusing on the teacher at the front or the book on their desk. But my eyes wandered around the room, stopping on the boy with two-toned hair. He was focused on the book so he didn't notice, this gave me time to inspect him.

He was a lot more mature-looking and grown up from two years ago, I guess I'd even consider him to be handsome. I couldn't see his face since he sat in a row in front of me but I remember his face clearly.

Miss-matched blue and grey eyes, pale skin and the red burn scar which marked his left eye.

He was the same and even though I tried to ignore the urge, I wanted to mend our relationship. I wanted to fix what I had broken in the past, even if he rejects my hand and turns his back, I'll be fine. I just want him to look at me and not feel the hatred I can see in his eyes.

We got more Koda, a little more Monoma and a bit of your backstory with Todoroki. I really liked the idea of them being friends before, when she was staying at their house for HC.It's an idea I'm happy I came up with and can incorporate into the story. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Thank you!

Love sick (BnHA Various x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن