Young Genius

12 0 1

(Quinn's POV)

Both my parents passed away due to medical errors when I was 6. I still remember when I was 4 I was laying in the trauma bay myself about to die but, luckily the doctors saved me sorta.

Now I finally reached 8 years old struggling to live on the streets.


I was running with a bag of food from the drive through. I needed to eat its been weeks!! The manager tackled me to the ground ripping the bag from my hand. Practically starving I tried to grab the bag back. 

I can't believe I got caught. I never get caught!

A younger looking lady walked to me and the manager.

"He is just a kid leave him alone" She mentioned as she helped me up while my legs shake.  

"May be a kid, but he is a rat and a thief!He needs to scram!"

The woman picked me up and walked out holding me. She sat me down carefully and calmly. The way the woman acted reminded me of my mom. 

"Where is your parents sweetie?" 

"Both of them died 2 years ago..."


The woman looked at me worriedly.

"Well my name is Chey and if you need somewhere to stay I have a spare room"

I smiled finally. A new home where it's warm and there is plenty of food. Me getting exited I hugged her and cried.

-months later-

It has been almost a year sense Chey took me into the mansion. Slender isn't very found of me, but he is am asshole so it doesn't matter. I was in the lower levels of the basement and tipped the wire. The room has a damn alarm system and me being an idiot I accidentally set it off. Slender came down and grabbed me and brought me back upstairs and started screaming his head off at me. 

Long story short I've made it far and a mechanical killer. I was able to graduate at a young age of 12 due to a high IQ and have built many murderous robots. What else can I say.

I'm just a young genius.~

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