"Charity For The Bold!"

Start from the beginning

Bai LuoYin stood scolding Gu Hai. His hands on his hips, and his face twisted into an unfriendly expression.
"Gu Hai, if you put those things in there, I'll have kitchen things mixed in with bedroom things!" He yelled.
Gu Hai cringed and scratched his head. "They're all going to the same place. Why can't we just pack them all up and finish faster?" He said, almost sounding as if he were pleading.
Bai LuoYin glared at him, reached over and threw the closest thing he could find. It hit him square in the forehead. Thankfully it was one of the decorative pillows they had purchased for the new house.
Jiang Yuan was busy packaging a box. She laughed, whole heartedly. Every day was something different with these two, she thought to herself. A bit of entertainment while they worked. "You and I can finish this up, why not let him take the dining table apart?" She suggested, after she stopped laughing.
"No! He needs to help!" Bai LuoYin retorted angrily. "He just wants to do half ass work! If he continues to pack this way, I'll go crazy trying to find certain things!"
Gu Hai mimicked the way Bai LuoYin screamed at him and earned himself another pillow thrown at his head.
After completing two rooms, the kitchen and the living room, they moved on to the bedroom.
They only had a day left to pack. Though, tonight, You Qi and Yang Meng agreed to help later. Bai Han Qi and Aunt Zhou were also stopping by to give a helping hand. There was much to do before the moving truck arrived.
When everyone showed up, Bai LuoYin gave specific directions to each and every person. They all headed to their assigned rooms with boxes, tape, and a lifted spirit.
"Lets get this done quickly!" Bai LuoYin cheered, as he clapped his hands a few times with encouragement. He gave Gu Hai a dirty look for stressing him out.
Bai Han Qi started packing the storage closet. As he worked, Aunt Zhou chatted with him from across the room.
"Jiang Yuan is very pretty." She complimented, "she dresses very elegantly."
Bai Han Qi looked over at her and casually smiled. "Yes, she is, and she does dress well."
Aunt Zhou pulled pots and pans out from the kitchen cupboards and placed them neatly into a box, making sure that they were all organized by their size. This was the first time she had worked closely with Jiang Yuan. Secretly, she wanted to get to know her a little better. She believed in giving people a chance. "The benefit of the doubt," was what ran through her mind, after being in the same room as her. She hoped that they could become friends. She never wanted an enemy.
Bai Han Qi had informed her of his past with Jiang Yuan. It wasn't a good one, but she still thought that Jiang Yuan had the ability to change.
"I should ask her where she shops, her clothings are simply beautiful." Aunt Zhou said, murmuring half to herself.
Bai Han Qi looked over at her again. He smiled. His wife was the most kindest woman in the world. She always thought of others before herself. "Do you think that is wise? What if she bites you with her words?"
Aunt Zhou gasped, "Don't say that!"
Bai Han Qi laughed, "I know from experience."
Jiang Yuan was working on filling a box cleaning supplies. She carefully marked the box so that her son would know what was inside, and set it aside.
Yang Meng walked into the room carrying a box of his own. He struggled a bit, but set it down next to hers.
Their eyes met for a moment.
Jiang Yuan smiled at him. "You're a good friend to Bai LuoYin. I'm glad you're helping him out a bit."
Yang Meng grinned, "I'm his best friend. It's only natural that I helped."
She moved closer to him as if she were about to whisper something. "How often does your aunt Zhou come over?" She asked, curiously.
Yang Meng thought for a moment. His eyebrows wrinkled up as he was deep in thought. "I don't know, I'm barely here." He said, and then left the room.
Jiang Yuan watched as he wiggled his thin self out the room.
She was lost.
Weren't Bai LuoYin and Yang Meng best friends? How come he wasn't here often?
Little did she know, the reason had just entered the room after Yang Meng left.
Gu Hai grinned at her. He was carrying two hefty boxes. Making it look so effortless as he maneuvered his way towards the pile they had made.
He set his load down and left the room with haste as Bai LuoYin called out his name.
You Qi managed to place all of his buddies shaving things, and other bathroom items in one box.
Pleased with his work, he sealed the box and then picked it up.
As he carried his box towards the front door, his mind ran across his evening with Yang Meng. It was a great date. He wanted to do more with Yang Meng, but, being a celebrity wasn't easy. At the event, many eyes were on him. Everything that he did would be watched and judged.
He wondered if he could give it all up just to be with Yang Meng. The sudden thought made him wonder if his feelings for him was worth it. Could Yang Meng give up women for him? What if he was bisexual?
You Qi shook the thought from his mind. In his heart, he knew he only wanted one person.
Yang Meng.
Then, as if on cue, he entered the room. You Qi treated it as a sign.
Yang Meng tried his best to keep himself composed. He watched as You Qi's arms glistened with sweat. The urge to touch him made his fingers tingle. He decided to smile instead.
"Are you almost done?" You Qi asked. He made conversation because he also wanted to touch Yang Meng.
Earlier, when he had held his hand, his body had screamed for more. He very much wanted to make love to him once again. It had been so long, images of their intimate moments from the past flooded his mind.
"I'm helping Bai LuoYin with the last of the electronics. I just came in to grab a box." Yang Meng said, pointing to a pile of boxes that were leaned up against the wall.
You Qi felt brave again. He inched towards him, unsure, but willing. As he closed the distance between their bodies. He could feel the heat coming off of this smaller man.
Yang Meng stiffened a bit, his heart sped up, his mouth went dry, and then his back hit the wall.
He was cornered.
You Qi rested a hand against the wall, above his head. He looked down at his prey. He felt empowered.
Yang Meng gulped. He felt helpless. Looking up into You Qi's eyes, he saw a hunger. A hunger that he was very familiar with.
You Qi slowly lowered his head, until their lips barely touched. All the while he kept eye contact with Yang Meng. He was testing him. He wanted to see if Yang Meng would run away, or embrace his own desires.
Yang Meng felt his heat rise. Deep inside, it answered to the call of You Qi's own passion. He applied pressure to his feet, stood on his tip toes, and sealed his lips over You Qi's own.
Gu Hai happen to walk past the room as they kissed. He froze in place, taking in the scene before him. He pumped his fist high into the air. It thrilled him to see You Qi taking charge of his love life.
This was something he was very knowledgeable in. In those days, back when he and Bai LuoYin were just school mates, he had made it his mission to win Bai LuoYin for himself. If he hadn't taken charge, they wouldn't be where they were today. Married, moving into a new home, and having children was only the start. He was blessed, thankful, and appreciated his small group of friends. Even though he would never say it out loud, he was happy for You Qi.
He quickly hurried along, as Bai LuoYin screamed his name again.

In their bedroom, Bai LuoYin was in the middle of finishing up what was left to pack.
As Gu Hai entered the room, he saw that his beloved wife was having trouble closing a huge plastic container filled with things. Bai LuoYin was sitting on top, using his body weight to try and keep it from bursting open. He rushed over to help.
"Why do you keep leaving the room?!" Bai LuoYin scolded, "We are not finished, yet you keep leaving!"
Gu Hai used both hands and his muscles to push and hold the container in place. After Bai LuoYin sealed it with some duct tape, he fell back onto the floor, gasping for air. He looked over to find Gu Hai staring at him.
The stare was not fascination, it wasn't even his usual sexual advances. It was Gu Hai taking in every inch of him. His eyes, lips, hair, nose, ears. The list could go on and on.
Bai LuoYin was aware of what was going on. He often did the same thing. He sat across from his husband, soulmate, lover, and took in every part of him also. This was something they would do. Even if they had become irritated or angry at one another. There was always that part of the day when they would just be. Being with each other completed and gave meaning to their lives.
Little did they know, as they looked one another over, they both were dreaming of their future child.
Bai LuoYin saw Gu Hai's strong features in their son's face and he instantly forgave him for his bad behavior.
Gu Hai saw Bai LuoYin's face in his son's perfect, delicate skin, and he knew he would love them forever.
They sat in silence, breathing, and taking each other in.

"Are You Still Addicted?" Book One (Addicted Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now