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Got tagged by BeMyVessel


1. You must post all rules (I mean, do I have to)

2. You must post 13 things about yourself (i'll try to make it interesting)

3. You cant refuse (Can't i though)

4. You must tag within a week or the person who nominated you will give you a punishment (ooooh what type of punishment ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  )

5. It cant be in the comments, must be in a book

6. You have to nominate 15 people to do the tag (i dont talk to that many people on wattpad to I'll tag random people who follow me)

7. Chapter must be in a creative name (I HAVE DELIVERED)

Now its time for the facts

1. I play basketball. in competitions.

2. I'm in my last year of high school and about to graduate in a couple months.

3. I love cold weather

4. I have a mumbling habit and I speak my thoughts to myself aloud when I'm alone.

5. I'm the jokester in most friendships

6. My favourite game is pokemon

7. I'm taller than 6" (i dont know the exact height but im a tall boi)

8. my hobbies are basketball, drawing and reading fanfics.

9. I never manage my tabs so i have like 80  open right now

10. My mother cuts my hair for me since she worked as a hairdresser.

11. I'm currently 17 years old

12. I tend to scare my friends because they say i tend to show up out of nowhere (one of my friends actually called me creeping Jesus because i scared him that badly)

13. I weigh very little (63 kg and I'm skinny) even though i eat enough for 3 people in one meal

Ok now it is time to tag people








i dont want to bother anyone else so i guess this is enough people.

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