Where the hell is he?

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He Tian turned around to see a man he hates almost as much as he hates his own family, "She fucking Li, I didn't know you liked me so much, I'm sorry I can't except your feelings, I have a crush on someone else so please don't cry" He Tian said making She Li laugh, "Stop with the fucking bullshit, I'm here to talk to Mo not a dumbass" She Li said reaching out to grab Mo but in return got his hand slapped away by He Tian, "Keep your hands off of him, he's not someone you can touch so easily." He Tian said with a glare.

Mo just looked at the tension building up between them before letting out a sigh and cleared his throat, "You two... I swear... Stop acting like children and go to class" Mo said walking into his class without another word said. He Tian glared coldly at She Li for a bit longer then proceeds to his class.

After school She Li ended up making it to Mo before He Tian got to him. Mo was a bit confused being dragged away by She Li, usually it would be He Tian dragging him away.

He Tian was looking for Mo when he didn't see him he began calling him, Mo couldn't answer at the moment because he was getting shoved into a car by She Li. He Tian grew angry because he didn't know where his Little Mo was.

"Where the hell is he?!"

She Li locked the car doors without starting the car and quickly climbed over Mo, Mo began flipping his shit, "What the hell're you doin' asshole?!" Mo shrieked as She Li smirked sliding a hand up Mo's shirt causing him to remember the memory of He Tian doing that which made his face heat up.

Before She Li could get to Mo's pants He Tian had smashed the window with his elbow on the side Mo and She Li were on. She Li's eyes widened due to surprise as Mo had teary eyes as he looked at He Tian, quite surprised. He Tian reached his arm inside the car and unlocked the door and opened it after getting his arm out.

He Tian pulled him out glaring at She Li as She Li smirked, "It was starting to get good, Oh well. See you next time red" She Li said then drove off. He Tian grabbed Mo's wrist as Mo wiped tears from his eyes before they fell. He Tian immediately headed to his apartment grinding his teeth.

Once he entered his apartment he threw Mo onto the bed and towered over him. All Mo could do was looking at him, seeing that he couldn't escape.

"Where'd that bastard touch you?"

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