Chapter 1 - ( idk just started for fun??)

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You are the elder sister of jean grey, nicknamed flare and posses a much more powerful mutation than hers. Not to mention you can control them well too. You also have a quirky, geeky, cute personality you are powerful too. (Moira didn't exist soo) Charles and Erik are also both crushing on you -( just in case you didn't read the description  ;-;)

I felt very nauseous on the jet, not that it wasn't really normal... but it all felt.. familiar. Well of course it would, just like that time when Charles rescued me from those thugs underneath the bridge. I quickly snapped out of my deep thoughts when i heard..shouting???
I looked behind my seat to see what was the mini war was about. Not much to my surprise, Charles was yelling at Erik, not that he would normally. But Erik did take almost everything away from Charles..not to mention..raven. I remember Charles being completely devastated over raven, how Erik 'took her away from him' Not really accurate, i thought. It was more of her choice to leave. I mean, Charles DID say that she could leave with Erik.. so why is he getting so mad over it when he knows that its what's best for her? Its what she wanted...wasn't it?? After they had cooled down, Erik went over to sit in the seat right in front of me while Charles went to help hank control the jet. "Y/N...its been awhile.."

"Yes it has been hasn't it?" i answered back, while sassily crossing my legs, staring into his hazel brown eyes that reflected every shade of brown when in the sun shone through the plane window. Soon enough, we started catching up and after explaining the break up that happened years ago, his expression changed, into a more...cheeky looking expression. Found it creepy not gonna lie, but whatchu gotta do when the persons hot? and powerful to add up. When he got closer to me, my heartbeat accelerated like a million times higher. I think that might have woken Charles up. Charles immediately pulled him off his seat. I jolted and already had a ball of blazing flames prepared on my left hand, hidden behind my back. Dayum mah reflexes thOuU (okay ill stop)
When Charles realised what he had done, he stomped off to the bathroom. Me and Erik just sat silence. Pretty awkward if i do say so myself. "AwWn.. Charles is jealous?" i thought silently while chuckling at the same time. "What's so funny?" Charles shot me a look of confusion and rage. I jumped and let out a small shriek before returning to my seat, "Nothing.." . I mentally face palmed myself. " great now he's gonna read my mind. JUST GREAT FLARE." If he was, i might aswell block him from doing so. I could feel Charles tugging at the wall in my brain. Yet, i didn't put up an effort to to strengthen it. I just let him in, watching closely for his reaction.

After a few minutes of closing his eyes and furrying his eyebrows, he looked up, Flustered and broke the state between us as he excused himself to help hank. AGAIN. Little did i know that Erik was staring at us the entire time. He didn't know i was aware of it though. Oi I'm a telepath too ya know.

i could read every single thing he was planning in his head and what he was about to do next. I was flustered red just thinking about it. But here's when i was debating over Erik or Charles..YIKES i don't like any of them enough to be honest. Yet i knew they were crushing hard for me and i was going to take advantage of it. Welcome abroad yalls!

yes i know i suck but its my first story  ;-;  i honestly dont know if i wanna continue but if yall want me too then oKay. Adios ♡♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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