𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 | The Mandalorian

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One was rapid and high pitched, words spewing a mile a minute in a terrified panic, while the other was low and automated. It was nothing but steady. Neytiri instantly pulled her blaster out of the holster on her right thigh, not bothering with the larger weapon on her back, and pushed the door open slowly.

A Mandalorian, tall and broad, stood above her bounty. His beskar was worn and discoloured but his helmet and weapons were in perfect condition. Cuffs were clutched in one hand while his other gripped the front of the bounty's shirt. Neytiri didn't bother with introduction and instead simply pressed the tip of her blaster to the back of the bounty hunters neck under his helmet. No beskar covered the nape. The Mandalorian in turn froze mid sentence, the man in his grasp peering over his shoulder at the woman, before raising both his hands slowly. The bounty fell to the floor with a huff. He scrambled backward away from the two taller beings to press himself to the wall of his hideout.

"Step away from my bounty, I don't want to have to kill you Mandalorian" Neytiri hummed as she stepped backwards till she was a safe arms distance from the quiet man. Said man turned slowly and couldn't help but let out an automated sigh.

He was tired of tracking the man halfway across the galaxy, even if it was for a more than fair price, and had run into his fair share of rival bounty hunters in his travels. He had killed the ones that had threatened him but sadly this time he knew it would be infinitely harder. The woman was a Na'vi. Notoriously hard to kill and overpower. Their race was much like the Madalorians, hunters through and through with weapons and fighting engraved into its history, but their culture was much more secluded and native. They rarely left their planet or it's surrounding system.

That didn't stop the Mandalorian.

He jumped forward quickly with the cuffs ready only to stumble back as she pulled the trigger of her blaster. Neytiri cursed as the bolt ricocheted off of the beskar armour that covered his chest before firing a second shot that he dodged as he advanced forward quickly. Neytiri wasn't going to admit that the fellow hunter had the advantage with the small and cramped cabin but she was finding it incredibly hard not to trip up over her own tail in the minuscule space. It wasn't a surprise that when she backed up the back of her head hit a low beam.

She dodged a swift hook to her face but hissed as he snatched her blaster with surprising force. She in turn kicked him in the stomach quickly, sending him crashing back against the wall of the hut. The Mandalorians head spun for a moment, a sharp ringing echoing through his ears. His core ached. The man knew a bruise would make itself Know in the next few days. Neytiri used his confusion to advance before landing swift roundhouse kick to the side of his helmet that sent him crashing back to the ground in a metal clad heap.

The cuffs were snatched from his hand and one loop was secured around his wrist before he sprung up and landed a punch against the Na'vis gut. She grunted before her legs were swept out from beneath her in one swift move from the hunter. Mando pulled himself up and launched himself at the downed woman ,fist raised to land a blow against her face only her her to grab his wrists in her large hands an tilt her head out of his hits way. His fist slammed against the hard mud ground of the hut and pain shot up through the mans fist. He could feel this skin of his knuckles split.


Their heads snap towards the pair off cuffs now secured tightly around their wrists before snapping back forwards to face each other as their eyes widen comically, the mans hidden behind the shadowed visor. Neytiris pupils shrink, almost disappearing in the vast expanse of her yellow irises, while the Mandalorian groaned and banged his helmet against the floor of the cabin roughly. The bounty only watched on in pure confusion.

"Please tell me you have the key for these thing?" Neytiri growled as she turned her head to stare into the T shaped black visor of the Mandalorians helmet. His weight pressed down in her stomach but that was the last thing on the woman's mind as her grip on his wrist gradually tightened.

𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 | The MandalorianWhere stories live. Discover now