2 (like a piece of art)

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Dakota's POV

"Kotaaaaaa!" Katie yells while running down the hall at me.

"Katiieeee!" I say mocking her."What is it now?"

"There's gonna be a new kid coming and I heard he's cute!"

Katie is always trying to fix me up with guys so we can fulfill her dream of going on a double date. How cliche.

"If your trying to fix me up with some random guy again I decline."

"Aw, Dakota! come on. He's supposed to be like really hot."

"It's not even about his looks. I need someone that will love me, flaws and all." I drift off into thought of my dream boyfriend.

"What are you even saying? your beautiful and you have a flawLESS body."

"Katie, it's not all about appearances you know." I tell her a little annoyed at this point.


"But, am I really as beautiful as you said?"

"Of course you are! So many guys ask me about you but your just too antisocial. Your really a loner."

"I know"

I'm not THAT bad I just don't hang out with the same friends as Katie. She's a prep. I'm the complete opposite. I associate with the misfits that never really fit in anywhere, like me. I guess you could say they're "punks" but they're really not that bad. They're really nice and accepted me into they're clique really fast when I first came to this school. They're just a bunch of cupcakes.

End of 2nd period.

"Kotaaaa!" she yells for me again while trying to run in those horrendous heels.

"Shut up! Your making a scene, Katie!"

"I just wanted to tell you-aghaaa!"

Someone shoved her hard and she fell into my arms making me fall on the ground.

Everyone's staring. Katie is laying across my lap trying to be modest while getting off the floor in her really short skirt.

As I sat up my eyes met a pair of darker brown ones staring at us and smiling slightly. My stomached felt like a racing track had a hundred cars speeding through it. And I completely got lost in him. Who was he? Where is he from? I've never seen anyone so beautiful. He's like a piece of art.

Katie finally got off of me after a couple seconds of awkwardness and extended her hand trying to help me up.



"Kota! Snap out of it"

"Oh sorry" I apologize getting sucked back into reality again.

"Omygosh where did you go?hahaha!" I assume she was talking about the little moment I was having.

"So what did you have to tell me"

"Yeah, so, you know that new kid we where talking about?"

Oh yeah, that kid with the beautiful eyes must've been him.

"Yeah, what about him?"

"He's has the next period with you. I talked to him for a little last period. AAaaaaand he's single." she says obviously getting excited. "I told him about you and he said he'd loooove to meet you."

"Oh really?" I laugh nervously scratching the back of my head.

"Well, better get to class, see ya, Katie."

I walk into Mr. Thompson's class looking for the same pair of chocolate brown eyes I saw in the hallway.


There he was slouching in his chair throwing his pencil in the air trying to get it to stick to the foam that the ceiling is lined with.

I sat in the seat In front of him. I vowed that I would make new friends this semester. Let's just pray this goes well. I turn around to acquaint myself with him.

"Hi, I'm Dakota." I say trying to sound chill.

"I'm Tom. I just transferred here."

he replied sounding unenthusiastic still trying to throw the pencil into the ceiling, not even looking at me.

"What exactly are you doing?" I already new but I just wanted to talk to him more.

"I'm trying to-" he stop taking as he faced me. He looked like he was zoning out.

Tom's POV

Who was this stunning 16 year old sitting in front of me? She's the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. She has long eyelashes that curl at the tip and wide brown eyes that made me crazy.

"Umm, are you ok?"

Oh shit, busted.

"Uh, yeah. What were we talking about?"

Just as I said that the class bell went off and Mr. Thompson was telling us to pipe down. But I wanted to keep talking to her.

A couple of minutes were left in class so I decided to throw her a note asking if she would meet me for lunch.

She read it and set it to the side of her desk.

When the bell went off Mr.Thompson asked if I could talk to him about my old school that didn't exist. I was in a rush to meet Dakota but, I don't think she was waiting for me. Damn it!

After a bunch of bad noise he let me go. I walked out of the room and looked around and found Dakota sitting on the ground by the door waiting for me.

"What was that all about?" She asks.

"Nothing, you know you didn't have to wait for me."

"I don't HAVE to do anything. But I wanted to."

She leads me into the cafeteria and begins to give me a tour.

Don't fall in love with students (Tom Hanson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now