ok cool

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when the pasta is in big bowl on the stove and its like all bubbly and youre trying to get your mom to come help you because there is literally a bubble bath on the stove and no one is coming to help you and youre like "the pasta is foamy!"

and your mom shows up and just messes with the stove buttons and stirs a little and the pasta is good again and youre like god bless this is a miracle what are you, merlin or something?

and guys that girl on vine didnt even go to disney world im really upset i hope she gets to go eventually.

back to the pasta thing:

i believe the pasta on the stove is a metaphor for how complex life can be and everything heats up to the point where it bubbles up and fizzes and everyones really fuckin scared like woaH CALM DOWN M8. and someone comes in and does the button and stirry thing and everything goes ok again.

or it could be a metaphor for how the world was just created and it bubbles up and fizzes down constantly, repeating the sequence over and over until you over cooked your pasta and you have to try to hide the sad pasta bits and instead of throwing them away in the trash can you go in the garage and throw the pasta away there bc jesus what if your mom saw the pasta.?

itd be like that time you tried to make pancakes by yourself like two years ago and instead of one thirds of a cup of water you put two cups because you thought the / in 1/3 meant 'or' so you put in two so it was in the middle.

and god those pancakes were thin and sad and you had like sixty of them and your mom was like "izzy you literally just... honey." and you didnt even have any of the pancakes because they were so thin jfc.

so i guess the moral of this story is to never cook or something

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