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Moving on, the Auradon Prince lead the four inside of the building, giving historic knowledge of the place that only Carlos really listened to. Instead, Jay took in his surroundings; furniture made from newly polished dark wood, gold-plated and silver-plated ornaments (there was even a golden vase with obnoxious flowers in them that Jay tried to steal, but decided against it when Carlos shook his head), and out of habit found that there were too many exits to even count.

They stopped just by a set of stairs, at which Mal asked questions magic related, Ben answered, and Audrey was clingy and brutally insulting. Eventually, the Prince introduced another AK, this one quite short and wearing a music band uniform, and left with Audrey. As the two exited, Jay subtly snook a few items from their pockets and stuffed them into the pockets of his trousers.

"Hi, I'm Doug, Dopey's son?" the AK introduced themselves. "As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and... High Ho!"
As Doug was evidently flustered by a flirting Evie, Jay once again tuned out, only paying attention when Mal dropped a food wrapper on the floor and stated, "Come on, let's find our dorms."

Jay followed the other three VKs up a flight of wooden carpeted stairs, only to be called down by Doug, who told them that they were going the wrong way.
"Uh, your dorms are that way," the AK informed them, pointing in the correct direction. A little embarrassed, the four slowly made their way back down the staircase and in the correct direction.

"Dopey, Doc, Happy, Bashful, Grumpy, Sleepy and..."
"Sneezy," Carlos corrected the AK.

Before long the corridor met a junction, with a pinned-up plaque saying something in one direction and something else in the other direction. Once again, it was in English (Jay was starting to think that the whole country spoke English) so he turned to Carlos.

"It says that the girls' dorms are to the right, and the boys' are to the left," the pup sighed. Jay sniffed. It was evident splitting people by gender was supposed to be preventing something, but that logic was completely and utterly flawed. What about people who were considered both boys and girls, or people who weren't either? What would they do? Choose? Have a room to themselves? Live off campus? Get kicked out?

But neither situation applies to me, so why should I care? Jay reminded himself. There's no team in I, after all.

Huffing, Mal walked down the right corridor, with Evie excitedly in tow. The young technician was already halfway down the left one, following the Dwarf, so Jay jogged to catch up with them. Each door was the same, except for the gold number and the names of the occupants fastened on.

5, Chad Charming and Douglas Dwarf... 4, Aziz Ababwa and John Smith the second... 3, Carlos Devil and Jay Jafar.

The thief sighed. They had spelt Carlos's last name wrong (well, more accurately messed up the spacing. And a capital letter.) and had gotten his last name completely wrong. It was Djinn, not Jafar.

Upon entering, however, he was completely and utterly stunned. Gobsmacked. Rendered speechless. Back at the pawn shop, Jay had slept on a worn rug under a shelf that was constantly bowing under the weight of broken TVs, because Jafar was too slow to bag an actual house. In the Dorm, there were two actual beds. Soft-looking mattresses in a wooden four-poster frame, covered in thick cobalt duvets and matching fluffy pillows.

In fact, everything was some sort of blue or gold, with absolutely amazing quality and precise... Precision in everything. And it was free! Well, Jay hadn't paid for anything his whole life, but this was different. It was given to them. And the only price was being surrounded by stuck up royals, and parading around in a uniform.

He sat down on the bed closest to the door. Carlos had made directly for the screen on a wall and was playing some sort of game involving Facilier, voodoo dolls and a pizzaria. Whatever the game was, the pup was enjoying it, enough that he was completely and utterly... relaxed. The last time Jay had seen him like this was... Well, he couldn't remember when he had. Seeing him like this, the thief warmed up from the inside out, like a campfire had started inside him... and he kind of liked the feeling.

Before long, the bright day faded into dark night, and Mal and Evie had sneaked into the boys' dorm. The bluenette immediately sat at the table and pulled out her mirror to check her makeup and the fairy had moved towards Jay's bed. Breaking out of his thoughts, the thief started pooling his loot on the duvet.

"What's all this?" Mal asked, picking up a mobile phone and going through the contacts. He picked up a laptop and turned it on.
"It's called stealing," he replied sarcastically. Jay and Mal had been competing over loot since they were around eight, so why would she have a problem with it now?
"Yeah, what's the point?"

"Well, my dear Mal, it's like buying whatever I want... except it's free!"
She punched him the arm for his lame joke, and with those studded fingerless gloves of hers, it kinda hurt.
"Yeah, you could do that," the fairy started, "or you could leave everything here and pick it all up when we take over the world!"

Now Mal was irritated, Jay realised.

"You sound just like your mum," Evie commented whilst not taking her eyes off her mirror.
"Aww, thank you! Now can we actually get on with the plan before we get corrupted?" Mal sassed. The thief hid a gulp. Turning the game off, Carlos walked over to the other three.

As soon as Evie had finished her makeup, she gave her chant. "Magic mirror on the... in my hand, where does Fairy Godmother's wand... stand?"
The small looking glass flickered to life like the screen Mal was looking at before, showing a close up image of the wand.

"Magic mirror, not so close," the princess muttered. It zoomed out to an image of the world. Jay couldn't help but find himself sniggering at the passive aggression the mirror was showing towards Evie.
"Closer," she pleaded. "Closer. Closer-"

"Stop!" Carlos cut her off. "It's in a museum... three point four miles away." he had found it on the laptop next to them in under three seconds. That fire relit inside Jay, and he couldn't help but grin at the scientist.

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