But, there Eleven was, not standing more than a few feet away from her in the doorway. Her hair was longer, that was the first thing Ana noted. "Eleven?" She questioned in utter confusion. How? Why? And, more importantly, when?

The younger girl ran to her and wrapped her arms around Ana's waist. Probably just happy to see someone, anyone, from the outside world.

The action caused Hopper to snap, and he swiftly ripped the two women away from each other before rounding on Ana. "You need to leave now!"

There wasn't a chance Ana was leaving, not after discovering what he'd been hiding in the cabin all this time. "How long has she been here? How long have you known she was alive?" There was no way around it, Ana was screaming by that point. Had there been any neighbors within miles, they'd be calling the cops to report a domestic disturbance about now.

Hopper didn't answer, instead, turning a back on his girlfriend in a vain attempt to block her and her tangible anger out for a moment. At least long enough to think of his next step. She wasn't giving him any respite, though, as her anger was firmly planted in the driver's seat.

With all the strength she could muster, Ana pushed Hopper's back, so much so that he stumbled into the adjacent wall. "You fucking asshole. You, you-"  Ana Thompson, who knew more about the English language than probably anyone in Indiana, couldn't find the words to quantify this betrayal. She floundered like a fish out of water, gasping, searching for any way to express her disgust and devastation, but none came to her.

If words were going to fail her, then at least she still had actions. Breathing heavily, Ana turned away from Hopper and grabbed Eleven's hand, pulling her along towards the front door. "We're leaving."

For a large guy, Hopper sure moved quickly because he was blocking the door before she could reach the handle. "No, you're fucking not," he said, using his body as a barricade. He swelled in fury, his stature consuming the entire doorframe.

"You're not keeping her here like some prisoner!"  God, did Ana want to punch him in the face, but she wasn't willing to drop Eleven's hand.

"I'm keeping her safe," he tried to defend while yelling back.

"Safe from what? From me?" And that's when it hit her, why Ana was so furious. Hopper lying about Eleven, keeping her existence a secret, meant that Hopper hadn't trusted her. That somewhere in his mind, he saw her as a threat to the girl's safety. That took some of the wind out of Ana's sails, but not much.

"What, did you think I'd turn her in? Sell the kid out or some shit?" Her volume was still loud, but her tone was less angry, more hurt than anything.

"You're not a parent. You wouldn't understand." That was it, the final nail in the coffin.

Ever since Ana had reached her mid-twenties people had looked down on her for not having children. Like, somehow, being selective about procreating was an undesirable quality that she possessed. Hearing the same judgment then, coming for the person she thought she loved, was all too much. Her throat tightened, a lump having formed which stripped her of the air she so desperately needed. Is this what drowning on dry land felt like?

Ana tried to breath through her nose, the air sounded sharp going in, but she still felt like she was suffocating. The walls were closing in, along with a bleakness she couldn't understand. She took and involuntary step back and her eyes swept the room. Looking, but seeing nothing.

You're the fool again, whispered the voice inside her head.

It was right.

"You're a real piece of shit, you know that?" Ana wanted the words to sound vicious, biting, even, but they came out strangled. More broken than brutal, and she hated him for making her that way. Ana Thompson hated Jim Hopper for turning her into someone weak, but she hated herself more for granting him the power to do so.

She'd regained enough clarity to see that there was no winning in this situation, no outcome where she'd be allowed to leave the cabin with Eleven alongside her.  Ana would have to concede. Tuck her tail and retreat in shame. For tonight, at least.

Dropping down to her knees, Ana pulled Eleven into the tightest hug imaginable, muttering, "I'll get you out of here soon," into her ear, only loud enough for the two of them to hear.

Once she was back on her feet, Ana turned towards Hopper who still stood firmly in the doorway. "This isn't over, but this," she gestured between the two of them, "sure is." Then, she hazarded one last sympathetic glance back at Eleven before pushing past Hopper, out the door, and out into the cold night air.

I giveth and I taketh away.

I giveth and I taketh away

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