Chapter zero: divorce

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i own all my characters and this story! please comment and vote and tell me if you like it!!!



"Are you sure you wanna do this your majesty?" The top guard said to queen Adriana in a worried voice. "Becuase you know we cant trust a Demon. Especially their leader, Spirit." He looked at his queen who was staring at her paws.

"I have to keep my promise, and go alone." She then closed her eyes and imagined the worlds at peace, no more Demons. They would all live side by side, in happiness, and in dark times.

As you wish your majesty." (Its your funeral...) He thought to himself.

The carage came to a stop. "I belive were here your majesty." He took a deep breath and opened the door to let her out.

"Thank you." She said as she stepped out.

"We will stay here and await your return." Said the guard.

queen Adriana spread her beutiful featherd wings, and began flying towards Dark Moon Castle.

"Good luck your majesty..." The guard said as he watched her fly across the sky, farther and farther away.

Not lonit wasnt long before she reached the castle, for she was a Fast Flying Wolf. There was an open balcony where she landed. As she walked inside it was very dark and eerie.

"H-hello? Im here!" She stepped back, thinking it was a trap.

"No, it couldnt be... He wouldnt... Not after all that we have been through. My plan has to work!" She then looked up, and saw... HIM.

"Well, its about time you got here." He turned towards her, his eyes glowing in the dark.

"you knew i was coming?" She said, trying not to make her voice give away that she was scared.

"I could hear you flying over here." He jumped down from his throne, and took a few steps forward.

She took a few steps back. "You did?"

"well my ears arent this shape just to look weird."

Her eyes widened. "So you heard what i said earlier?!"

She stepped back again. "Didnt you...."

He started to walk circles around her, with a small smile on his face

"As a matter of fact, yes. And i knew you would want to hang around with us for no reason. So thats why i came up with a plan of my own!" He raised his voice.


She started to tremble from the thought of her kingdom being destroyed, and all that was left was HIM ruleing what was left of it.

" So youve figured it out havent you? You were so foolish to come here by yourself! Cuase now you aer my prisoner!"


There was a puase.

" I wont let you do this!" She stood upright, no longer trembling. Her eyes foccusing on Him.

"Oh you dont stand a chance!" He started growling. Then he pounced on her and she fell to the ground. He whispered in her ear, "Your kingdom, dosnt stand a chance!"

He started walking towards the loudspeaker by the wall, where his pack waited for his command. But before he got there, the queen stood up, with an injury to her shoulder.

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