02 - meets and swims

Start from the beginning

of course, she'd never worn one. her father  would never let anyone see her daughter in such clothing and for her daughter to wear such clothing that is.

nontheless, she found something, not a bathing suit in particular but something similair to that.

it was a swimmimg shirt and red pants, soecifialy gym pants.

it did not really suit a feminine look, but it was all she had.

she then took out a bag, and filled it up with all her swimming necessities, which included sunscreen, lotion, a book and a towel.

hesitantly, she left her house and locked it, for her father would not come back for atleast 7 hours.

quarry, 10:34 p.m

after what had seemed like hours of endless cycling, she finally managed to reach the quarry.

as she felt the heavy wind flowing against her, she also felt a presence.

laughter and whistles of children coming from ahead, and she knew exactly who it was from.

"hello bill."


"we're all still waiting fro beverly," richie interrupted while joan just nodded before sitting on a nearby rock, bill following from behind.

they both just sat there awkwardly, as if one of them expected to other to say something but did not.

"i know what your friends think of me," she said then paused.

"a traitor, a filthy whore, an unworthy slut," she continued.

"you should stay away from me, sooner or later you will lose them because of me, i know what you want bill, but it's never going to work... besides , you have beverly don't you?", she finally said.

"you know, stanley was right, you are ungrateful, you push people away and... you are a ....... filthy whore who did bowers,that is why you dont have any friends,"he replied after a very long pause.

"we should head back to the others," she said after another very long pause.

bill's point of view •

bill didnt know what happened,but it felt like his heart shattered into pieces. he had failed once again, to get the girl he very much fancied.

"we should head back to the others," he heard her say.

he  then hesitantly followed her.

"why you lookin' so pale billy boy cherrio up there my boy!", richie said.

"yeah bill,you look depressed, even more than richie when he found out his girlfriend cheated on him!", eddie said.

uh, oh, he messed up.

ever since july, richie's ex girlfriend cheated on him with albert, his so called "friend", richie had been extremely angry and sad for days. so angry, that he punched albert on the stonach. bill and his friends had witnessed it all.

"what the frick did you just say, eddie?", richie asked with seriousness.

"hold on there richie, it was just a joke," eddie replied.

before the others could process what was about to happen, richie punched eddie on the chest.

"GUYS CUT IT OUT!", joan screamed.

stanley gripped on richie's arm while bill gripped on eddie's elbow.

"holy fucking shit you fucking bastards, chill the fuck down!", joan screamed.

"she's right, we are here for a swim not for that, richie, eddie," bill said.

without even noticing, beverly marsh ran up to them.

"hey guys! what are you doing?",she asked.

everybody then acted like everthing was normal ,not  doing what they were before.

3rd person pov again~

"nothing ,nothing at all," bill said without stuttering.

beverly hesitantly shrugged, and then jumped in the the water.

"we just could beaten off by a girl," eddie said.

"we're fucking pussies," richie replied.

stamley glanced at both of them blankly, with confusion , anger and dissapointment.

"are you pussies gonna make up  or what? cause we aren't getting any younger."

richie and eddie became frightened. stan, stanley, stan the man would never been mad, or dissapointed.

"fine, freakhead , i'm sorry," richie said.

"whatever," eddie replied.

the boys glanced down towards the cliff, seeing that beverly was already in the water, they felt ashamed.

"perhaps, you should go first, richie," said joan.

"why me? are you trying to get me killed woman?", richie said.

"the stupid ones.... always die first," she said.

the others glanced at her with confusion. to them she was like wednesday addams almost, a freaky, pshychopathic girl.

"you also don't want to be a pussy now don't you?", she said.

richie glared back at her with annoyance.

"I DON'T!", he said then jumped off the cliff.

as he did that, the other boys soon hesitantly jumped after him.

"are you coming, jo?", bill asked.

"i will be, bill," she said.

"well do you wanna jump together?", bill asked.

"no," she replied.

bill them shrugged then nervously jumped off the cliff. smirking, joan made her way back to sit on the rocks.

"really jo? him?",a familiar voice said.

startled, joan glanced back to see who it was.

of course.

ryan reynolds.

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