Chapter 2

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Xiara lay in her four poster bed, practically glowing after Axel had long since left the room. She had sex with strangers all the time, but only because she had to. She'd been searching for jobs, but dropping out of education at 15 meant no qualifications, and therefore no employment.

She smiled giddily at the ceiling -head spinning like it was loose of a screw-  that was amazing. She heard the door close as Logan came into the room, and she turned her emotions off, as normal, and began the whole ordeal again.


Xiara sat at the bar after Logan and Axel had gone to their room. She sat, dazed in her thoughts of Axel, and his intriguing personality. How she knew him before he knew her.

"Ali?! What the hell! Not cool dude, Mom has been going mad looking for you !"
"Why would she care? She hates me anyway... And my name's not Ali"
"Yes it is"
"You know it's not"
"Anyway, you little slut, get your ass back home, I'm sure Mom will have a field day with you when you get back"

Xiara crouched behind a barrel, watching the scene between the two princes. Axel and his brother, Sebastian.
"Shut up! I'm not coming home, and anyway, why is Mom concerned?"
"BECAUSE YOU MADE HER LOOK BAD YOU IGNORANT LITTLE SLAG" Sebastian spat out, red faced with resent for his little 'brother'. She saw Sebastian raising a fist to Axel's face as she hastily turned away from the scene-

"Hello?" Her thoughts were interrupted by a man's voice. She looked up, only to find herself face to face with the bartender. He was young -early 20's maybe- and leanly muscular. "Yeah-?" She said absently, her gaze fixed on his eyes, they were the colour of the sun shining through a bottle of whiskey, and impossible to look away from.

"You need anything?" He asked playfully, as she snapped her focus onto his full face, noticing his smirk. She groaned a little and laughed in return "I'm alright thanks, I've already had too much." He studied her face, sensing something was wrong "What's on your mind, princess?" His face became sincere as she sighed, looking at the door to Logan and Axel's room. "Honestly, I don't know,"

(A/N) I was thinking about doing some smut a bit further into the story, how would you guys feel about that?? Also, I hope you're liking it so far

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