Let's play a game....

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"I'm not playing any game you made." Veronica stated. She turned to the door and opened the it. The door shut as it made halfway open and a small click was heard. Veronica began pulling the knob as Alyson gave a grimace.

"But it would hurt Marie's feelings. You wouldn't want to do that now would you Veronica?" The curtains drew together in a swish and several more clicks were heard. The three other guest's eyes widened as they looked around the now dim house. "She really wants you to play."

"Roni, we have to play." Jillian said. Veronica strolled back to Marty and Jillian once she saw there was no way out of this party game. Alyson's smile returned, which appeared as crazed a serial killer's with her face half illuminated. "Now let's see what game my sister wants to play, she loved to play a lot of games you see? Oh dear little sister," She called out. "Spell the game you wish to play first!" The party guests stood there as an eerie silence fell upon them. It was so uncomfortably silent that it made Jillian question if she was still sane. Then a sound, worse then nails on a chalkboard, jumped out and mauled away at the guests' ears. Everyone covered their ears, all except for Alyson who looked at a nearby window. When the horrible sound stopped they uncovered their ears and looked to Alyson, fearful of what was going to happen. "The game has been named!" Alyson pointed to the window she looked at during the noise. On it the glass were four words that had been etched on it like it was easily done to paper and pencil. Marty squinted his eyes.

"The Floor is Lava?" He read. Alyson clapped her hands.

"Perfect choice, it's both exhilarating and quick." Jillian didn't enjoy the sound of that.

"But what is that?" Marty asked.

"You've never played it?" Jillian asked. He shook his head.

"The object of the game is to not touch the ground." Alyson responded. "Now for the rules. Rule one, you have to stay inside."

"But that won't-" One of the guest members started to say. Jillian recognized him as Dylan from her mathematics class. Also remembering he was much a wiz at the subject.

"Oh it will give you plenty of room. My sister will make sure of it." Alyson's grin crept up again. "Rule two, you can't stay on for more then a count of 10. Finally rule three, no quitting, if any one of you does then there will be more then one killing tonight. Understood?" She looked about the crowd and when no hands went up or another question she smiled. "And that's all you need to know." Jillian looked at the two other guests and recognized them as Hannah and Tyrone, and saw their worried expression.

"What happens to everyone who touches the floor?"

"Oh right, the ending of the game will happen when the first person falls from their precarious perch. That person will be my sister's tribute."

"And the rest of us?" Veronica asked.

"Well, the rest will not be used as tribute. Now enough talking, let the game begin. The floor is lava!" A tremor followed her words and from it steaming orange lava seeped through the crack and slowly spread through the floor.

"Guys up here!" Jillian saw Veronica hopping onto the sofa with Marty and hopped on after.

"And let's make things interesting." Alyson began floating into the air and then clutched the arm rest of the sofa as it shook. Then she felt the tremor stop violently.

"Uh guys," Marty said looking up. "Is it me or is the ceiling coming toward us.

"What?" Jillian and Veronica looked up and saw they were approaching the ceiling. "I don't think it's coming toward us. We're going toward it." Jillian looked around as she heard more screams. One the other side, sharing a big easy chair were Dylan, Hannah, and Tyrone, followed by the candles and other pieces of furniture. She looked down at the boiling magma underneath, and just by looking at it she could feel the warmth radiating off of it.

"We need a plan." Veronica said.

"What plan? It's a game where if we fall off we die. There's not much for a plan in this game." Marty said.

"The plan is to choose which items to grab in order to stay from falling duh. I say we go for the bookshelf last, the next item we can go is for the coffee table since it's the closest."

"Sounds good to me." Jillian agreed.

"And that's 10!" The couch shuttered and they climbed onto the coffee table. Just as Marty came across the couch they'd been on plummeted and with a splash landed in the lava. It busted on fire and slowly sank down to the depths of the lava. "1...2...3..."

"What do we go for next?" Jillian asked. Veronica looked around.

"Those cushions, they're closest." Several cushions floated nearby the table. The worried and readied themselves.

"10!" The table shuttered and the jumped. Jillian barely got a grip on her cushion." She was surprised during all of this that she heard Alyson yawn. "This is boring. Little sister, let's make this a little more fun." The winds began picking up to a howling gale. Jillian felt her nails tear through the cloth of her cushion. She heard Marty yelling and saw his cushion was spinning around and around like a windmill. "Won't be long now." More screams as she saw the other group, who had grabbed onto a grandfather clock, were holding on for dear life as the clock began bucking wildly around like an angered bull. Then she saw what her cushion was doing, and not that her nails were tearing the cloth, the cloth was tearing itself.

"Someone help! I-I can't hold on any longer!" She pleaded. "I'm going-" The cloth finally came off she felt herself falling.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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